Awards made under NASA Research Announcement 98-OSS-07

Principal and Co-Investigators Institution Proposal title
Steven Raymond Majewski University of Virginia A Survey of Distant Halo Giant Stars for the SIM Astrometric Grid and a Deep Probe of Galactic Halo Structure
Richard J. Patterson University of Virginia  
William E. Kunkel Carnegie Institution  
Wolfgang Gieren University of Concepcion  
Kathryn V. Johnston Institute for Advanced Study  
David J. Helfand Columbia University A New Bright Quasar Sample for the SIM Extragalactic Frame Tie
Robert H. Becker UC Davis & IGPP/LLNL  
Richard L. White Space Telescope Science Institute  
Thomas E. Corbin USNO USNO Grid Star Selection for SIM
Arsen R. Hajian USNO  
Christian A. Hummel USNO  
Brian D. Mason USNO  
Sean E. Urban USNO  
Andreas Quirrenbach UC San Diego Selection of SIM Grid Stars-Astrophysical Criteria and the Role of Astrometric Catalogs and DIVA
Siegfried Roser Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg, Germany  
Elena Schilbach Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, Germany  
Zoran Ninkov Rochester Institute of Technology A Sensitive Speckle Search for Duplicity in Candidate Objects for the SIM Reference Grid
Elliot P. Horch Rochester Institute of Technology  
William F. van Altena Yale University  
Kenneth John Johnston USNO Placing the SIM All-Sky Astometric Grid onto the ICRS
Ralph A. Gaume USNO  
Alan L. Fey USNO  
David A. Boboltz USNO  

Last Updated on 10/21/98
By Stephen Unwin