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Topic: Home > History

Entrance and Cross Halls Art and Furnishings
This page describes the features of the Center and Cross Halls. - 6.6KB
29 Apr 03
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East Room Art and Furnishings
This page describes the features of the East Room. - 6.1KB
29 Apr 03
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Library Art and Furnishings
This section describes the features of the Library. - 5.7KB
29 Apr 03
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China Room Art and Furnishings
This page describes the features of the China Room. - 5.1KB
29 Apr 03
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Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
Describes paintings of people in the ""Art in the White House"" collection. - 5.1KB
29 Apr 03
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Subjects in the White House Art Collection
Describes subjects and still lifes in the ""Art in the White House"" collection. - 4.5KB
29 Apr 03
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Selected Landscapes in the Collection
Describes landscapes in the ""Art in the White House"" collection. - 8.8KB
29 Apr 03
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Preface to the Collection of White House Art
Preface to Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride. - 5.9KB
29 Apr 03
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Selected Works in the White House Art Collection
Overview of works in the ""Art in the White House"" collection. - 4.0KB
29 Apr 03
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General Information: Authors, Copywright and Ordering Information
General Information about Art in the White House: Authors, Copywright and Ordering Information - 7.7KB
29 Apr 03
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