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Topic: Home > History > Art

Engraving based on a John Trumbull painting by Waterman Lilly Ormsby (photo: Library of ..
    -Liberty- by Constantino Brumidi, 1869
    Art for the President's House: -Cincinnati Enquirer- by William M. Harnett.
    Art for the President's House: -Morning on the Seine- by Claude Monet
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Art for the President's House: An Historic Perspective (The 1900's)
    Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
    Subjects in the White House Art Collection
    Selected Works in the White House Art Collection
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Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
    Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
    Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
    Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
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Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
    Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
    Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
    Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
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Selected Work of White House Art by European Masters
    Selected Work of White House Art by European Masters
    Selected Work of White House Art by European Masters
    Selected Work of White House Art by European Masters
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Shinnecock Hills, Long Island
    Lake Among the Hills
    Sailing off the Coast
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    The Cincinnati Enquirer
    Avenue in the Rain
    Floral Still Life With Nest of Eggs
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