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Topic: Home > History

Engraving based on a John Trumbull painting by Waterman Lilly Ormsby (photo: Library of ..
Art for the President's House: An Historic Perspective (The 1900's)
    Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
    Subjects in the White House Art Collection
    Selected Landscapes in the Collection
    View more hits from '' (Group score: 52%)
Picture of East Room in 1873
    Picture of State Dining Room in 1902
    Picture of East Room in 1900
    View more hits from '' (Group score: 53%)
The Presidents of the United States
    The Presidents of the United States
    Biography of Ronald Reagan
    Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Biography of Lucretia Garfield
    Biography of Edith Roosevelt
    Biography of Grace Coolidge
    Biography of Abigail Fillmore
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Blue Room Art and Furnishings
    Painting of President Lincoln
    The East Room of 1900
    Bellange Arm Chair
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The Library
Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
    Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
    Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
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Shinnecock Hills, Long Island
    Lake Among the Hills
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Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection

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