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Space Technology 8


ACS Attitude and articulation control system (on a spacecraft)
ARISE Advanced Radio Interferometry between Space and Earth (NASA mission)
ASO Astronomical Search for Origins (NASA Science Mission Directorate theme)
BOL Beginning of life (of solar array)
CC Compensation chamber
COTS Commercial off-the-shelf
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
EDAC Electromechanical digital adapter circuit
EEPROM Electrically erasable programmable read only memory
FAIR Filled Aperture InfraRed Telescope
FPGA Field programmable logic array
GaAs Gallium Arsenide (solar cells)
GCR Galactic cosmic ray
LED Light-emitting diode
LF Life Finder (NASA telescope mission)
LHP Loop heat pipe
Mb Megabyte
MIPS Millions of instructions per second
MMS Magnetometer Multi-Scale (NASA mission)
MOPS Millions of operations per second
NASA National Aeronautics and space Administration
NGU Next Generation Ultraflex (Ultra Lightweight Solar Array)
NMP New Millennium Program
RHPPC Radiation hardened power PC
SEC Sun-Earth Connection (NASA Science Mission Directorate theme)
SEE Single event effect
SEL Single event latchup
SEU Single event upset
SEU Structure and Evolution of the Universe (NASA Science Mission Directorate theme)
SPI Solar Polar Imager (NASA mission)
SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
ST8 Space Technology 8
TEC Thermal electric cooler
TID Total ionizing dose (effects)
TPF Terrestrial Planet Finder (NASA mission)
TRL Technical readiness level
V Volt(s)
VEC Variable emittance coating
W Watt(s)
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Webmaster: Diane K. Fisher
JPL Official: Nancy J. Leon
Last updated: 2/13/08
JPL Clearance #: 06-1093

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