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Topic: Home > History

Biography of Nancy Reagan
Biography of First Lady Nancy Reagan, wife of President Ronal Reagan. - 6.3KB
14 Apr 08
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Biography of Rachel Jackson
Biography of Rachel Jackson, wife of Andrew Jackson - 5.5KB
14 Apr 08
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Biography of Lou Hoover
Biography of First Lady Lou Hoover, wife of President Herbert Hoover. - 6.3KB
10 Apr 08
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Biography of Julia Tyler
Biography of First Lady Julia Tyler, wife of John Tyler. - 6.3KB
10 Apr 08
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Biography of Jane Pierce
Biography of First Lady Jane Pierce, wife of Franklin Pierce - 6.2KB
10 Apr 08
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Biography of Lucy Hayes
Biography of First Lady Lucy Hayes, wife of President Rutherford B. Hayes. - 6.2KB
10 Apr 08
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Biography of Hillary Clinton
Biography of First Lady Hillary Clinton, wife of President William J. Clinton. - 6.6KB
09 Apr 08
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Biography of Helen Taft
Biography of First Lady Helen Taft, wife of President William Howard Taft. - 6.3KB
09 Apr 08
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Biography of Florence Harding
Biography of First Lady Florence Harding, wife of President Warren Harding. - 6.2KB
09 Apr 08
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Biography of Harriet Lane
Biography of Harriet Lane, niece of President Jame Buchanan. - 6.0KB
09 Apr 08
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