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Topic: Home > History

Engraving based on a John Trumbull painting by Waterman Lilly Ormsby (photo: Library of ..
Engraving based on a John Trumbull painting by Waterman Lilly Ormsby (photo: Library of Congress) - 1.9KB
11 Mar 03
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-Revere Beach- by Maurice B. Prendergast
Picture of ""Revere Beach""- by Maurice B. Prendergast images/212p.html - 1.7KB

-Mouth of the Delaware- by Thomas Birch
Picture of ""Mouth of the Delaware"" by Thomas Birch images/95l.html - 1.7KB

-City of Washington from Beyond the Navy Yard- by George Cooke
Picture of ""City of Washington From Beyond the Navy Yard"" by George Cooke images/96l.html - 1.8KB
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Art for the President's House: An Historic Perspective (The 1900's)
Describes art in the White House from an historical perspective - 22.4KB
11 Mar 03
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Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
Describes paintings of people in the ""Art in the White House"" collection. people.html - 5.1KB

Subjects in the White House Art Collection
Describes subjects and still lifes in the ""Art in the White House"" collection. subjects.html - 4.5KB

Selected Landscapes in the Collection
Describes landscapes in the ""Art in the White House"" collection. landscapes.html - 8.8KB
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Picture of East Room in 1873
Picture of East Room in 1873 - 17.6KB
29 Apr 03
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Picture of State Dining Room in 1902
Picture of State Dining Room in 1902 whtour/images/dining-1902.html - 17.6KB

Picture of East Room in 1900
Picture of East Room in 1900 whtour/images/east-1900.html - 17.6KB
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The Presidents of the United States
Home > History & Tours > Past Presidents Presidents by Date Presidents by Name View Flash Version Washington, George 1789-97 Adams, John 1797-1801 .. - 23.9KB
15 Jan 08
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The Presidents of the United States
Home > History & Tours > Past Presidents Presidents by Name Presidents by Date View Flash Version Adams, John 1797-1801 Adams, John Quincy 1825-29 Arthur, ... presidents/alphabetical.html - 23.0KB

Biography of Ronald Reagan
Biography of Ronald Reagan, the fortieth President of the United States (1981-1989). presidents/rr40.html - 12.6KB

Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the thirty-second President of the United States (1933-1945). presidents/fr32.html - 10.3KB
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Biography of Lucretia Garfield
Biography of First Lady Lucretia Garfield, wife of President James Garfield. - 6.2KB
13 Aug 08
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Biography of Edith Roosevelt
Biography of First Lady Edith Roosevelt, wife of President Theodore Roosevelt. firstladies/er26.html - 6.2KB

Biography of Grace Coolidge
Biography of First Lady Grace Coolidge, wife of President Calvin Coolidge. firstladies/gc30.html - 6.4KB

Biography of Abigail Fillmore
Biography of First Lady Abigail Fillmore, wife of President Millard Fillmore. firstladies/af13.html - 6.2KB
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Blue Room Art and Furnishings
This page describes the features of the Blue Room. - 6.5KB
12 Nov 04
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Painting of President Lincoln
Picture of Painting of President Lincoln whtour/dining-abe.html - 2.8KB

The East Room of 1900
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House > East Room > East Room of 1900 The East Room of 1900 The stars and stripes deck the East Room for the Army and .. whtour/east-1900.html - 3.0KB

Bellange Arm Chair
Picture of Bellange Arm Chair whtour/blue-chair.html - 4.8KB
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The Library
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House Located on the Ground Floor Corridor, the White House Library features a collection of selected works to .. - 5.9KB
17 Oct 07
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The China Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House The red-trimmed China Room features a collection of china or glassware of almost every president. The collection ... whtour/photoessay/china.html - 5.5KB

The Green Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House Thomas Jefferson first used the Green Room as a dining room and covered the floor with canvas painted green. .. whtour/photoessay/green.html - 5.5KB

The Red Room
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House Red twill satin with a gold scroll design covers the walls of the Red Room. The furniture is upholstered in a .. whtour/photoessay/redroom.html - 5.4KB
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Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "Martha Dandridge Custis Washington" (1878), by Eliphalet Frazer .. - 5.8KB
17 Mar 04
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Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride Text only presart/engraving-trumbull.html - 5.1KB

Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "Union" (1869), by Constantino Brumidi (1805-1880). Oil on canvas. Gift ... presart/union.html - 5.8KB

Art for the President's House: An Historical Perspective (Early - Middle 1800's)
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "Amerigo Vespucci" (modeled c. 1790-94, carved c. 1815), by Giuseppe .. presart/van-buren.html - 5.9KB
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Shinnecock Hills, Long Island
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "Shinnecock Hills, Long Island" (1900), by William Merritt Chase (1849-1916). Oil on panel. .. - 6.3KB
17 Mar 04
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Lake Among the Hills
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "Lake Among the Hills" (Lake Mohonk) (1858), by William M. Hart (1823-1894). Oil on canvas. Gift of .. landscapes/hills.html - 6.5KB

Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "Nocturne" (c. 1870-77), by James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903). Oil on canvas. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. W. ... landscapes/nocturne.html - 6.4KB

Sailing off the Coast
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "Sailing off the Coast" (1869), by Martin Johnson Heade (1819-1904). Oil on canvas. Gift of The .. landscapes/sailing.html - 6.5KB
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Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "Revere Beach" (c. 1896-97), by Maurice B. Prendergast (1858-1924). Watercolor and pencil ... - 4.9KB
17 Mar 04
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Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "The Peacemakers" (1868), by George P. A. Healy (1813-1894). Oil on canvas. United .. people/peacemakers.html - 4.9KB

Paintings of People in the White House art Collecting
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "Lincoln and Tad" (c. 1873-74), by Francis Bicknell Carpenter (1830-1900). Oil ... people/lincoln-tad.html - 4.7KB

Paintings of People in the White House Art Collection
Home > History & Tours > Art in the White House: A Nation's Pride "Signing of the Peace Protocol Between Spain and the United States, August 12, 1898 ... people/peace-signing.html - 5.0KB
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