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Deadlines for Hearing Activities -- 10 CFR Part 2, Subpart M

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Subpart M hearing procedures apply to proceedings for the transfer of a materials or reactor license. The Commission issues Subpart M is the onlymechanism for requesting hearings on license transfer requests unless contrary, case-specific orders. Subpart M hearings can take the form of either oralhearings or hearings consisting of written comments. This guide is not a replacement for the procedural regulations in 10 CFR Part 2. To the extent usersrely on this guide, they do so at their own risk.

On this page:

Requests for Hearing/Petitions to Intervene and Related Filings
Action Deadline Notes Section
Request for Hearing/Petition toIntervene Within 20 days from date ofpublication in the Federal Register. If notice is published in the Federal Register, within time specified (mustbe at least 60 days after publication)or, if no time is specified, within 60days of publication of the proposedagency action or notice of hearing.

If a Federal Register notice is notpublished, not later than the latest of60 days after publication of notice onthe NRC's Web site,, or 60 daysafter the requester received actualnotice of a pending application, butnot more than 60 days after agencyaction on the application.
Include standing and contentions. Include standing and contentions. § 2.309(b)(1)
§ 2.309(b)(3)
§ 2.309(b)(3)
Answer Filed within 25 days of request forhearing/petition to intervene. At a minimum, address factors in § 2.309(a)--(g). § 2.309(h)(1)
Reply to Answers Filed within 7 days of answer torequest for hearing/petition tointervene.    § 2.309(h)(2)
Decision on Request forHearing/Petition to Intervene Issued within 45 days of filing ofanswers or replies to answers (absentCommission extension).    § 2.309(i)
Written Comments
Action Deadline Notes Section
Submission Within 30 days after public notice ofreceipt of application. These arecomments on the license transferapplication and are not the same ascomments submitted as part of aHearing Consisting of WrittenComments, as described below. Alternative to Request forHearing/Petition to Intervene. § 2.1305(b)
Applicant Response If the applicant chooses, within 10days of service of comments upon theapplicant. Responses are not part of thedecisional record. § 2.1305(c)
NRC Actions
Action Deadline Notes Section
Notification of NRC Party Status       § 2.1316(c)
Action Deadline Notes Section
Initial Mandatory Disclosures Made within 30 days of ordergranting request for hearing/petitionto intervene. Continuing duty of disclosure. § 2.336(a)—(b)
Prehearing Conferences
Prehearing Conferences Within discretion of presiding officer.    §§ 2.319(j), 2.329(a)
Objection to Prehearing ConferenceOrder Within 5 days after service ofprehearing conference order.    § 2.329(e)
Scheduling Order As soon as practicable.    § 2.332
Summary Disposition
Action Deadline Notes Section
Not Available         
Oral Hearing
Action Deadline Notes Section
Written Initial Statements of Position,and/or Testimony No later than 15 days before thehearing, or such other time a orderedor allowed by presiding officer ofCommission.    §§ 2.1322(a)(1),


Written Response, RebuttalTestimony, Proposed Questions Within 20 days of service of writteninitial statements of position andtestimony.    § 2.1322(a)(3)
Proposed Questions Directed toRebuttal Testimony Within 7 days after service of rebuttaltestimony.    § 2.1322(a)(4)
Oral Hearing Commences within 65 days of noticegranting hearing.    § 2.1322(b)
Written Post-Hearing Statements ofPosition Within 20 days of the close of thehearing.    § 2.1322(c)
Hearing Consisting of Written Comments
Action Deadline Notes Section
Request for Hearing Consisting ofWritten Comments Within 15 days of service of noticegranting hearing. Requires unanimous consent. § 2.1308
Initial Written Statements of Positionand Written Testimony On date set by the presiding officer orCommission.    § 2.1321(a)
Written Response, RebuttalTestimony, Proposed Questions Within 20 days of service of writteninitial statements of position andtestimony.    § 2.1321(b)
Proposed Questions Directed toRebuttal Testimony Within 7 days after service of rebuttaltestimony.    § 2.1321(b)
Written Concluding Statements ofPosition Within 20 days of service of writtenresponse, rebuttal testimony, andproposed questions filed under § 2.1321(b).    § 2.1321(c)
Motions, Stays, and Request for Reconsideration
Action Deadline Notes Section
Motions (generally) Made no later than 10 days after theoccurrence or circumstance fromwhich the motion arises. Certify that moving party has madeefforts to resolve issue with otherparties. § 2.323(a)
Answers to Motions Within 5 days of service of writtenmotion.    § 2.1325(b)
Motion for Reconsideration Within 10 days of action for whichreconsideration is requested. 10 page limit. § 2.323(e)
Stay Petition for Reconsideration Within 5 days of issuance of noticethe NRC staff's action on the matterinvolved in a hearing. Within 10 days of service of adecision or action of a presidingofficer. Concise; 10 page limit, exclusive ofaffidavits. § 2.1327(a),
§§ 2.342(a),
Answer Supporting StayMotion/Petition for Reconsideration Within 10 days of service of anapplication for stay or motion forreconsideration. Concise; 10 page limit, exclusive ofaffidavits. §§ 2.1327(c),
Appellate Review
Action Deadline Notes Section
Interlocutory Appeals Within 10 days of an order on arequest for hearing/petition tointervene. Within 10 days of an order selecting ahearing procedure.    § 2.311(a)
§ 2.311(d)
Opposition to Interlocutory Appeal Within 10 days after service of theappeal.    § 2.311(a)
Appeal From Full/Partial InitialDecision Within 15 days of service of afull/partial decision of a presidingofficer. Concise; 25 page limit. § 2.341(b)(1)
Answer Within 10 days of service of apetition for review. Concise; 25 page limit. § 2.341(b)(3)
Reply to Answer Within 5 days of service of anyanswer. Concise; 5 page limit. § 2.341(b)(3)
Sua Sponte Review
Within 40 days after the date of thedecision or action by presiding officeror within 40 days after service of apetition for review, whichever isgreater.    § 2.341(a)(2)

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