Coal Resources, Reserves, and Mine Sizes, West Virginia
Category Type of Mining Total
Underground Surface
Demonstrated Reserve Base      
    (Million Short Tons as of January 1, 2000) 30,293 4,222 34,515
Estimated Recoverable Reserves      
    (Million Short Tons as of January 1, 1997)      
    Sulfur Content (pounds per million Btu)      
      < 0.61 (low sulfur) 5,472 1,526 6,998
      0.61-1.67 (medium-sulfur) 5,670 986 6,656
      > 1.67 (high sulfur) 5,385 283 5,668
      Total 16,528 2,794 19,322
Recoverable Reserves at Producing Mines, Year End 1999 1,073 392 1,465
Number of Producing Mines in 1999 211 95 306
Production Range (thousand short tons)      
     1,000 and over, number 24 17 41
                   percent 60% 75% 65%
       500 to 999,  number 24 11 35
                   percent 16% 14% 15%
       100 to 499,  number 89 18 107
                   percent 20% 9% 17%
       < 100,       number 60 32 92
                   percent 3% 3% 3%
       < 100,       number 14 17 31
                   percent * * *

       Notes: "Recoverable Reserves at Producing Mines" includes no reserves at mines that produced less than 10,000 tons in the calendar year.  These small mines are not required to provide reserves data.  Excludes silt, culm, refuse bank, slurry dam, and dredge operations except for Pennsylvania anthracite.  Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
* = Data round to zero. W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
       Sources: Energy Information Administration, Coal Reserves Data Base program and Form EIA-7A "Coal Production Report."