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The Landsat Program - Data

Where to Get Data

Landsat data can be ordered from two USGS websites. The descriptions below will help you decide which site is best for you. Additionally, USGS offers certain decadal and scientific Landsat data collections free of charge.

Landsat ETM+, TM, and MSS data are now available from USGS for free!

USGS GloVis: The Global Visualization Viewer
On GloVis, you can search for data by clicking on an interactive map or by entering the geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the site you are searching for. After clicking on the map or entering coordinates the GloVis view window will appear on your screen showing you nine adjacent Landsat 7 browse images. This allows you to visually locate the best Landsat image for your purposes. Use the menu at the top of the view window to view data from difference sensors, to change the browse image resolution, or to view map layers. You can use the "Add" and "Order" buttons at the lower left corner of the viewer to order data.
USGS Earth Explorer
The USGS Earth Explorer website allows you to custom tailor your search parameters for Landsat data. After entering the website (you can login as a guest or become a registered user), you can either search for data by selecting a region on a map, by entering coordinates, or by entering a place name. Additionally, you also have the option to choose your data set (e.g. "Landsat 4-5 TM", "Landsat 7 ETM+", "Landsat Orthorectified ETM+") and then select parameters such as acceptable cloud-cover percentages and the range of desired acquisition dates.
Free Orthorectified Landsat Data
The USGS now freely offers the Landsat Orthorectified data collection which consists of a global set of high-quality, relatively cloud-free orthorectified MSS, TM and ETM+ imagery from Landsats 1-5 and 7. This dataset was selected and generated through NASA's Commercial Remote Sensing Program, as part of a cooperative effort between NASA and the commercial remote sensing community to provide users with access to quality-screened, high-resolution satellite images with global coverage over the Earth's land masses. Over 16,000 images are freely available.


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