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I am in high school or transferring from another college and am interested to Learn More>

Adult & Graduate

I am interested in finishing my degree, or taking professional classes. Learn More>

Build relationships with current students, Attend classes taught by female faculty, Audition for scholarships – Symphonic Band, Choir, Piano, and Jazz Band, Visit female young alums at their places of employment, Network for future internships and careers, Dine with female faculty, Connect with female faculty and students studying in Belize, Israel, Southeast Asia and Louisiana during January, Brunch at the President’s home

Campus Highlights

Learn About The New Athletic Stadium
Deposit Incentives – Learn More!


Tabor Students Travel to Belize

A dozen Tabor College students will explore Mayan ruins, hike tropical rain forests, and dive one...

Follow Tabor Interterm Trips Through Blogs!

Follow the footsteps of Tabor College students and faculty members as they tour Southeast Asia, E...

Awesome Faculty Member Recognized by President Glanzer

From the President’s Blog You have heard me talk about but our awesome students. Our f...

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