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  HEADLINE NEWS (click for more stories)
Spider “Missing Link” Discovered
SpiderPaleontologists Dr. William Shear (right) at Hampden-Sydney College and Dr. Paul Seldon at the University of Kansas have announced in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that they have discovered an ancient missing link between today’s spiders and their long-extinct ancestors. The fossils may help explain how spiders came to weave webs.
 Full Story...
Wilson Trail Photographs Form Senior Thesis
StokesFrom December 2 through 5, 2008, Jacob D. Stokes, who completed his graduation requirements in December, presented his Senior Thesis in Fine Arts in a show at the Atkinson Museum.  Jake was a fine arts major with a photo emphasis. Full Story...
Planisphere Installed in Library Cupola
Planishere The long-awaited final touch has been added to the new Hampden-Sydney Library. On January 15, the planisphere was installed in the interior of the cupola. The cupola rises above the roof of the Library just outside the entrance to the Rare Book Room on the fourth floor. A planisphere celeste is a map of half or more of the sphere of the heavens that indicates what is visible at a specific time and location.Full Story...
A Message from Tom Allen, Chairman of the Board
Dr. Howard, President-electIt is my distinct pleasure to announce that Dr. Christopher B. Howard was elected as the 24th President of Hampden-Sydney College at a special called meeting of the Board of Trustees on December 19, 2008. Dr. Howard was chosen from a pool of 100 candidates that included sitting college presidents, vice presidents, deans, and leaders from other walks of life: attorneys, physicians, and business leaders. Full Story...
Western Culture on Trial
Western Civilization “All rise for the Honorable Judge Hight!” shouted the bailiff.  In unison, everyone in the room hastily rose from their chairs.  In walked a man we didn’t recognize at first, a man dressed in a powder-white wig and long black robes who wielded a gavel.  The man took the podium and raised his gavel.  The gavel struck the podium with a resounding BANG.  “Court is now in session,” Professor Marc Hight said calmly.  The trial of Western Culture had begun.Full Story...
Business and the Environment
GodseyOn Monday, November 10, 2008, Dr. Lund’s Environmental Biology class was visited by former student, Rick Godsey, Class of ’85, who talked with students about business and the environment.  Godsey, a biology major and former member of the tennis team, is the CEO of a green printing company, Printegration, and is also an avid oyster cultivator.  During his visit he discussed the benefits of running his business in an environmentally friendly way...Full Story...

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Martin Luther King Speaker Joe Rogers: DREAM ALIVE
January 20, 8:00 PM
Crawley Forum

Shaun Irving Landscapes In A Truck Artist Discussion
January 22, 4:00 PM
Atkinson Museum

Shaun Irving Landscapes In A Truck Artist Reception
January 24, 4:30 PM
Atkinson Museum

Rhetoric 30th Anniversary Lecture with Scott Sanders: WRITING FROM THE CENTER
January 26, 4:00 PM
Library 4th Fl Conference Room

Rhetoric 30th Anniversary Lecture
January 26, 7:30 PM
Crawley Forum

Rhetoric 30th Anniversary Lecture with an Alumni Panel: RHETORIC AT WORK: H-SC ALUMNI DISCUSS WRITING & SPEAKING ON THE JOB
January 27, 4:00 PM
Library 4th Fl Conference Room

Rhetoric 30th Anniversary Lecture with Prof. James Humes: THE LANGUAGE OF LEADERSHIP: THE SIR WINSTON METHOD
January 27, 7:30 PM
Crawley Forum

February 3, 4:15 PM
Crawley Forum