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The Landsat Program - News

People of Landsat

Meet some of the people who have made Landsat as we know it possible.


Robert Binschadler
Robert Bindschadler
Dr. Robert Bindschadler has been an active Antarctic field researcher for the past 25 years participating in many expeditions to glaciers and ice caps around the world.
Prasad Thenkabail
Prasad Thenkabail
Landsat Science Team member Prasad S. Thenkabail has 23 years’ experience working as an international expert in Remote Sensing.
Terry Arvidson
Terry Arvidson
In 1979, Ms. Arvidson joined the Landsat team and helped to plan the Landsat 4 ground system. Today, she is a Senior Project Engineer for Landsat 7.

More people stories.




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