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 Archived News Items

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February 23, 2000 - Y2K Device Status UpdateNew Item
    Update Regarding the 2000 Leap Year Transition   HTML  

January 3, 2000 - Y2K Device Status Update
    Update Regarding the Year 2000 Transition   HTML  

January 1, 2000 - Y2K Device Status Update
    Update Regarding the Year 2000 Transition   HTML  

December 30, 1999 - FDA Important Notice
    Important Information Regarding the Year 2000 Transition   HTML  

December 13, 1999 - FDA Public Health Notification
    Important Information About Y2K and Medical Devices   HTML  

December 10, 1999 - Letter to Industry
    Update on Y2K Activities Regarding Biomedical Equipment
    Distribution of Medical Devices After January 1, 2000
    Reporting Y2K Problems to FDA

November 17, 1999 - Information for Industry, Healthcare Facilities, and Consumers
    Report on the Evaluation of Manufacturers' Activities to Assess
    the Year 2000 Compliance Status of Their Medical Devices
    (Computer-Controlled Potentially High-Risk Medical
    Devices (PHRD) Study Final Report)


November 17, 1999 - Information for Industry, Healthcare Facilities, and Consumers
    Report on the Y2K Readiness Survey of Manufacturers of
    Essential Medical Supplies

October 28, 1999 - Information for Industry, Healthcare Facilities, and Consumers
    Y2K and FDA - Preparing for the New Millennium
    "FDA Consumer Magazine", November-December 1999

October 21, 1999 - Congressional Testimony
    House Committee on Commerce Subcommittee on Health
    and Environment and Subcommittee on Oversight and

September 22, 1999 - Y2K Meeting the Challenge
    Year 2000 and Medical Devices   HTML  

September 17, 1999 - Information for Healthcare Facilities
    User Facility Reporting Bulletin - Summer 1999 PDF    

August 24, 1999 - FDA Talk Paper
    The Year 2000 Date Problem and Medical Devices   HTML  

August 24, 1999 - Information for Industry and Healthcare Facilities
    Computer-Controlled Potentially High-Risk Medical
    Devices - List of Device Types

August 16, 1999 - Federal Register Notice
    Agency Emergency Processing Under OMB Review;
    Survey of Biomedical Equipment Manufacturers

August 13, 1999 - Information for Healthcare Facilities and Consumers
    Press Release from the President's Council
    on Year 2000 Conversion
An Open Letter

August 10, 1999 - Information for Industry, Healthcare Facilities, and Consumers
    List of Frequently Asked Questions & Answers Frequently Asked Questions

August 5, 1999 - Links to Y2K Related Sites
    Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF)
    Y2K Presentations
List of Y2K Presentations

July 30, 1999 - Federal Register Notice
    Computer-Controlled Potentially High Risk Medical
    Devices-List of Device Types

July 16, 1999 - Guidance for Industry and Healthcare Facilities
    MDR Exemption for Y2K Problems PDF HTML  

July 16, 1999 - Information for Healthcare Facilities
    FDA Public Health Notification - Y2K Planning Information PDF HTML DOC

June 18, 1999 - Letter to Industry
    Y2K Readiness Survey of Manufacturers of
    Essential Medical Supplies
Letter and Attachments

May 10, 1999 - Federal Register Notice
    Survey of Medical Device Manufacturers for Year 2000
    Compliance of Manufacturing Systems

April 26, 1999 - Guidance for Industry
    Year 2000 (Y2K) Computer Compliance   HTML  

April 20, 1999 - Congressional Testimony
    U.S. Senate - Committee on Veterans' Affairs   HTML  

April 16, 1999 - Guidance for Industry
    MDR Reporting Guidance for Date-Related
    Problems Including Y2K

March 29, 1999 - Letter to Industry
    Request for Information on Y2K Compliant Products Letter and Attachments

March 3, 1999 - Letter to Industry
    Request for Additional Information on Non-Compliant
Letter and Attachments


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