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Research Highlights


Technical Publications In Nonlinear, Nonequilibrium Elasticity in Diverse Materials

The following is a topical listing of our publications. We also have our publications listed chronologically. If, in the files below, you aren't able to find what you are seeking, contact either Paul Johnson or James TenCate. Perhaps we can help.

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Review Papers

Anderson, B. E., M. Griffa, C. Larmat, TJ Ulrich, and P. A. Johnson, "Time Reversal," Acoust. Today, 4 (1), p. 5-16 (2008) (PDF File - 1.2 MB)

Johnson, P. A., Nonequilibrium Nonlinear-dynamics in Solids: State of the Art, The Universality of Nonclassical Nonlinearity with Applications to NonDestructive Evaluations and Ultrasonics, Delsanto, P.P., Ed., pp. 49-67, Springer, New York, (2006) (PDF File - 988 KB)

Ostrovsky, L. and P. Johnson. Dynamic nonlinear elasticity in geomaterials. Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 24, 1-46 (2001). Invited. (PDF File - 596 KB)

Guyer R. A., and P. A. Johnson. Nonlinear mesoscopic elasticity: Evidence for a new class of materials. Physics Today, 52, 30-35 [Invited] (1999) (PDF File - 1.7 MB)

Johnson, P., The new wave in acoustic testing, Materials World, The J. Inst. Materials 7, 544-546 (1999) (PDF File - 3.5 MB)

Basic Research, Theory & Modeling of Elastic Nonlinear Behavior

Pasqualini, D.; Heitmann, K.; TenCate, J. A.; Habib, S.; Higdon, D.; Johnson, P. A. Nonequilibrium and nonlinear dynamics in Berea and Fontainebleau sandstones: Low-strain regime, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 112, No. B1, B01204 10.1029/2006JB004264 (2007) (PDF File - 684 KB)

Pasqualini, D. Intrinsic Nonlinearity in Geomaterials: Elastic Properties of Rocks at Low Strain, Delsanto, P.P., Ed., pp. 417-423, Springer, New York, (2006) (PDF File - 160 KB)

Vakhnenko, O, V. Vakhnenko, and T. J. Shankland, Soft-ratchet modeling of end-point memory in the nonlinear resonant response of sedimentary rocks, Physical Review B-71. (2005) (PDF File - 188 KB)

Johnson, P.A., A. Sutin. Slow dynamics and anomalous nonlinear fast dynamics in diverse solids, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 117, No. 1, (2005) (PDF File - 152 KB)

Vakhnenko, O.O., V. O. Vakhnenko, T. J. Shankland, and J. A. TenCate. Strain-induced kinetics of intergrain defects as the mechanism of slow dynamics in the nonlinear resonant response of humid sandstone bars. Physical Review E. Vol. 70. (2004) (PDF File - 228 KB)

TenCate, J. A., D. Pasqualini, S. Habib, K. Heitmann, D. Higdon, and P. A. Johnson. Nonlinear and Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Geomaterials. Physical Review Letters, Vol. 93, No. 6, (2004) (PDF File - 188 KB)

Johnson, P.A., B. Zinszner, P. Rasolofosaon, F. Cohen-Tenoudji, K. Van Den Abeele. Dynamic measurements of the nonlinear elastic parameter in rock under varying conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research. 109, 10129-10139 (2004). (PDF File - 688 KB)

Scalerandi, M., P. P. Delsanto, V. Agostini, K.Van Den Abeele, P.A.Johnson. Local Interaction Simulation Approach to Modeling Nonclassical, Nonlinear Elastic Behavior in Solids, Journ. Ac. Soc. Am. 113, (2003) 3049-3059 (PDF File - 392 KB)

Lebedev, A. V., L. Ostrovskii, Sutin, I. Soustova, P. Johnson, Resonant acoustic spectroscopy at low Q factors, Acoustical Physics 49 81-87 (2003). Translated from Akustichesk Zhurnal, Vol. 49, No. 1, 2003, pp. 92-99. (Original Russian Text Copyright 2003 by Lebedev, Ostrovski, Sutin, Soustova, Johnson). (PDF File - 104 KB)

Scalerandi, M., P. P. Delsanto, P. A. Johnson, Stress induced conditioning and thermal relaxation in quasi-static compression experiments, J. of Physics D: Applied Physics 36, (2003) 288-93. (PDF File - 348 KB)

Pasqualini, D., and R.A. Guyer. Thermal-Stochastic Properties of Hysteretic Elastic System: The Quasi-Static Limit. Nonlinear Acoustics at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Vol. 2, pp. 703-706. (2002) (PDF File - 80 KB)

Ten Cate, J.A., J. Duran, and T.J. Shankland. Nonlinearity and Slow Dynamics in Rocks: Response to Changes of Temperature and Humidity. Nonlinear Acoustics at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Vol. 2, pp. 767-770. (2002) (PDF File - 104 KB)

Ulrich, TJ, K. McCall and R. Guyer. Determination of elastic moduli of rock samples using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 4. (2002) (PDF File - 116 KB)

Delsanto, P. P., P. A.Johnson, M. Scalerandi, J. A. TenCate, LISA simulations of time-reversed acoustic and elastic wave experiments, J. of Physics D: Applied Physics 35, (2002) 3145-3152. (PDF File - 284 KB)

Van Den Abeele, K., J. Carmeliet, P. A. Johnson, and B. Zinzsner, The influence of water saturation on the nonlinear mesoscopic response of earth materials, and the implications to the mechanism of nonlinearity. Journal of Geophysics Research Vol. 107, 10, 1029-10, 1040 (2002) (PDF File - 804 KB)

Ostrovsky, L.and P. Johnson. Nonlinear dynamics of rock: hysteretic behaviour. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 44, (2001). (PDF File - Unavailable)

Darling, T. W., TJ Ulrich, P. A. Johnson, and J. A. TenCate. Low temperature elastic constants and nonlinear acoustic response in rocks and complex materials. (PDF File - 112 KB)

Ulrich TJ, and T. W. Darling. Observation of anomalous elastic behavior in rock at low temperatures. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 2293-2296 (2001) (PDF File - 320 KB)

Ostrovsky, L. and P. Johnson, Dynamic nonlinear elasticity in geomaterials, Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 24, 1-46, 2001. Invited. (PDF File - 2.2 MB)

Ostrovsky, L., A. Lebedev, A. Matveyev, A. Potapov, A. Sutin, I. Soustova, and P. Johnson. Application of three-dimensional resonant acoustic spectroscopy method to rock and building materials. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 110, 4. (2001) (PDF File - 112 KB)

Guyer, R. A. and P. A. Johnson, Hysteresis, Energy Landscapes and Slow Dyamics: A survey of the elastic properties of rocks, Jour. Materials Processing & Manufacturing Science 9, 14-26, 2000. (PDF File - Unavailable)

Smith, D. E. and J. TenCate, Sensitive determination of nonlinear properties of Berea sandstone at low strains, Geophysical Research Letters Vol. 27 No. 13, 1985-1988. (2000). (PDF File - 1.3 MB)

TenCate, J. N., D. E. Smith, and R. Guyer, Universal Slow Dynamics in Granular Solids, Phys Rev. Lett Vol. 85, No. 5 1020-1023, 2000. (PDF File - 148 KB)

Guyer, R. A., J. A. TenCate, and P. A. Johnson, Hysteresis and the Dynamic Elasticity of Consolidated Granular Materials. Physical Review Letters, Vol. 82, No. 16, 3280-3283, (1999) (PDF File - 212 KB)

Guyer, R. A., K. R. McCall, and K. Van Den Abeele, Slow elastic dynamics in a resonant bar of rock, Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 1585 (1998).

Johnson, P. A. and Guyer, R. A., The astonishing case of mesoscopic elastic nonlinearity, Physics Today, 1998. (PDF File - 5.8 MB)

Smith, E., J. A. TenCate, Sensitive determination of low-strain nonlinear properties of Berea sandstone, Geophysics Res., 1998.

Guyer, R. A., P. A. Johnson, and J. N. TenCate, Hysteresis and the Dynamic Elasticity of Consolidated Granular Materials, Phys Rev. Lett, 1998. (PDF File - 212 KB)

Ostrovsky, L. A., and P. A. Johnson, Acoustic nonlinearities in earth solids, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 103, 2925, 1998.

Ten Cate, J. A., and T. J. Shankland, Slow Dynamics and Nonlinear Response at Low Strains in Berea Sandstone, Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Acoustics and 135th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 3, P. A. Kuhl and L. A. Crum, Eds., American Institute of Physics, New York, NY, 1565-1566, (1998).

VanDenAbeele, K. E-A., P.A. Johnson, R.A. Guyer, and K. R. McCall, "On the quasi-analytic treatment of hysteretic nonlinear response in elastic wave propagation," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 101, 1885-1898 (1997). (PDF File - 344 KB)

Zinszner, B., P.A. Johnson, and P.N.J. Rasolofosaon, "Influence of Change in Physical State on Elastic Nonlinear Response in Rock: Effects of Confining Pressure and Saturation," J. Geophys. Res., 101, 8105-8120 (1997).

Guyer, R. A., K.R. McCall, G.N. Boitnott, L.B. Hilbert Jr., and T.J. Plona, "Quantitative use of Preisach-Mayergoyz space to find static and dynamic elastic moduli in rock," J. Geophys. Res., 102, 8105-8120 (1997).

Koen E-A Van Den Abeele, Paul A. Johnson, Robert A. Guyer and Katherine R. McCall On the quasi-analytic treatment of hysteretic nonlinear response in elastic wave propagation. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101(4), 1885-1898 (1997)

James A. Ten Cate, Koen E.A Van Den Abeele, Thomas J. Shankland, and Paul A. Johnson Laboratory study of linear and nonlinear elastic pulse propagation in sandstone. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100(3), 1383-1391 (1996).

Van Den Abeele K. Elastic pulsed Wave Propagation in media with Second or Higher Order Nonlinearity. Part I: Theoretical Framework. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99(6), 3334-3345 (1996).

Van Den Abeele K. and Johnson P.A. Elastic pulsed Wave Propagation in media with Second or Higher Order Nonlinearity. Part II: Simulation of Experimental Measurements on Berea Sandstone. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99(6), 3346-3352 (1996).

Van Den Abeele K., Briers R. and Leroy O. Inhomogeneous plane wave scattering and mode stimulation on periodic rough surfaces. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99(5), 2883-2897 (1996).

Van Den Abeele K. and Breazeale M.A. Theoretical Model for the Description of Dispersive Nonlinear Properties in PZT Ceramics. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99(3), 1430-1437 (1996).

Johnson, P. A., B. Zinszner, and P. N. J. Rasolofosaon, Resonance and nonlinear elastic phenomena in rock, J. Geophys. Res. 101(B5), 11553-11564 (1996). (PDF File - 3.7 MB)

TenCate, J.A., and T. J. Shankland, Slow dynamics in the nonlinear elastic response of Berea sandstone, Geophys. Res. Lett. 23(21), 3019-3022 (1996).

TenCate, James A., and Thomas J. Shankland, "Slow dynamics in the nonlinear elastic response of Berea sandstone," Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 3019-3022 (October 15, 1996).

Kadish, Abraham, and Paul A. Johnson, "Evaluating hysteresis in earth materials under dynamic resonance," Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 25139-25147 (1996).

TenCate, James, A., Koen E.A. Van Den Abeele, Thomas J. Shankland, and Paul Johnson, "Laboratory study of linear and nonlinear elastic pulse propagation in sandstone," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 100, 1383-1391 (1996).

Abraham Kadish, James A. TenCate, Paul Johnson, "Frequency Spectra of Nonlinear Elastic Pulse-Mode Waves,"J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 100, 1375-1382 (1996).

Koen E-A Van Den Abeele, "Elastic pulsed wave propagation in media with second or higher order nonlinearity. Part I: Theoretical framework," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 99, 3334-3345 (1996).

Koen E-A Van Den Abeele and Paul A. Johnson, "Elastic pulsed wave propagation in media with second or higher order nonlinearity. Part II: Simulation of experimental measurements on Berea sandstone," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 99, 3346-3352 (1996).

Johnson, Paul A., Bernard Zinszner, and Patrick N. J. Rasolofosaon, "Resonance and elastic nonlinear phenomena in rock," Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 11553-11564 (1996).

Johnson, P. A.,, P. N. J. Rasolofosaon, K. McCall, and R. A. Guyer, B. Zinszner, B. Bonner, G. Boitnott, and G. D. Meegan, "Manifestation of nonlinear elasticity in rock: Convincing evidence over large frequency and strain intervals from laboratory studies," Nonlinear Geophysics, 1996.

McCall, K.R., and R. A. Guyer, "Hysteresis, discrete memory and nonlinear elastic wave propagation in rock: a new theoretical paradigm," Nonlinear Geophysics, 1996.

Capillary condensation, invasion percolation, hysteresis, and discrete memory, R. A. Guyer and K. R. McCall, Physical Review B, 54, 18 (1996).

Van Den Abeele, K., and M. A. Breazeale, "Theoretical model to describe dispersive nonlinear properties of lead zirconate-titanate ceramics," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 99, 1430-1437 (1996).

Paul A. Johnson and P. N. J. Rasolofosaon, "Nonlinear elasticity and stress-induced anisotropy in rocks," J. Geophys. Res., 101, 3113-3124 (1996). (PDF File - 3.5 MB)

Abraham Kadish, "Information paths and the determination of state relations from displacement velocity measurements of elastic rods,"J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 97, 1489-1498 (1995).

Guyer, R. A., K. R. McCall, and G. N. Boitnott, "Hysteresis, discrete memory and nonlinear wave propagation in rock: A new paradigm," Phys. Rev. Let., 3491-3494, April,1995.

McCall, K. R. and R. A. Guyer, "Equation of state and wave propagation in hysteretic nonlinear elastic material,"J. Geophys. Res., 99, 23887-23897 (December, 1994).

McCall, K. R., "Theoretical study of nonlinear elastic wave propagation," J. Geophys. Res., 99, 2591-2600 (1994).

Johnson, P. A.and K. R. McCall, "Observation and implications of nonlinear elastic wave response in rock," Geophys. Res. Let 21, 165-168 (1994).

Van Den Abeele K., Breazeale M.A., Leroy O. and Na J.K. Strong Interaction of Arbitrary Fields of Sound and Light: Application to Higher Order Bragg Imaging. J. Appl. Phys. 75 (1), pp. 84-95, January 1994.

Van Den Abeele K. and Leroy O. On the Influence of Frequency and Width of an Ultrasonic Bounded Beam in the Investigation of Materials: Study in Terms of Heterogeneous Plane Waves. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93(5), pp. 2688-2699, 1993.

Van Den Abeele K. and Leroy O. Complex Harmonic Wave Scattering as the Framework for Investigation of Bounded Beam Reflection and Transmission at Plane Interfaces and its Importance in the Study of Vibrational Modes. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93(1), pp. 308-323, 1993.

Johnson, P. A., T. M. Hopson, T. J. Shankland, and B. P. Bonner, "Parametric Beam Formation in Rock, Review of Progress in Quantitative Evaluation," vol. 11b, edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Plenum, New York, pp. 2049-2055 (1993).

Meegan, G. D., Jr., P. A. Johnson, K. R. McCall, and R. Guyer, "Observations of nonlinear elastic wave behavior in sandstone," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94, 3387-3391, (1993).

Shankland, T. J., P. A. Johnson, and T. M. Hopson, "Elastic Wave Attenuation and Velocity of Berea Sandstone Measured in the Frequency Domain," Geophys. Res. Letters, 20, 391-394 (1993).

McCall, K. R., "Theoretical study of nonlinear acoustic wave propagation," J. Geophys. Res. 99, 2591-2600 (1993).

Johnson P. A., T. M. Hopson, and T. J. Shankland, "Frequency Domain Travel Time (FDTT) Measurement of Ultrasonic Waves by Use of Linear and Nonlinear Sources," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 92, 2842-2850 (1992).

Johnson, P. A., A. Migliori, and T. J. Shankland, "Continuous Wave Phase Detection for Probing Nonlinear Elastic Interactions in Rock," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 89, 598-603 (1991).

Johnson, P. A., and T. J. Shankland, "Nonlinear Generation of Elastic Waves in Granite and Sandstone: Continuous Wave and Traveltime Observations," J. Geophys. Res., 94, 17729-17734 (1989). (PDF File - 368 KB)

Johnson, P. A., T.J. Shankland, R.J. O'Connell, and J.N. Albright, "Nonlinear generation of elastic waves in crystalline rock," J. Geophys. Res., 92, 3597-3602 (1987).

Time Reversal in Solids & Time Reversal Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy

As our TR-related publications are numerous and multipying, please visit the Time Reversal Publications page.

Nonlinear Nondestructive Evaluation, Damage Assessment, & Imaging

Muller, M., D. Mitton, D., Talmant, M., Johnson, P., Laugier, P., Nonlinear ultrasound can detect accumulated damage in human bone, Journal of Biomechanics, 41, 1062-1068 (2008). (PDF File - 462 KB)

Muller, M., D. Mitton, D., Talmant, M., Johnson, P., Laugier, P., Nonlinear ultrasound can detect accumulated damage in human bone, Journal of Biomechanics, 41, 1062-1068 (2008). (PDF File - 462 KB)

Sutin, A. M., P. A. Johnson, Nonlinear elastic wave NDE II. Nonlinear wave modulation spectroscopy and nonlinear time reversed acoustics, 31st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation; July 25-30, 2004; Colorado Sch Mines; Golden, CO, AIP Conference Proceedings; 2005; v.760, p.385-392 (PDF File - 973 KB)

Payan, C., V. Garnier, J. Moysan and P. Johnson, Applying nonlinear resonant ultrasound spectroscopy to improving thermal damage assessment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121 (4) EL125-EL130 (2007) (PDF File - 152 KB)

Ulrich TJ, Paul A. Johnson, and Robert A. Guyer, Interaction Dynamics of Elastic Waves with a Complex Nonlinear Scatterer through the Use of a Time Reversal Mirror, Physical Review Letters, PRL 98, 104301 9 March 2007 (PDF File - 468 KB)

Sutin, A. M., and P.A. Johnson. Nonlinear Elastic Wave NDE II: Nonlinear Wave Modulation Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Time reversed Acoustics. QNDE Review of Progress, Golden, Colorado, USA. August 23-26. (2004) (Invited) (PDF File - 2.9 MB)

Lacouture, J. C., P. Johnson and F. Cohen-Tenoudji, Study of critical behavior in concrete during curing by application of dynamic linear and nonlinear means, J. Acoust. Soc. 113, 1325-1332 (2003). - (PDF File - 1 MB)

Kazakov, V. V. , A. Sutin, and P. Johnson, Sensitive imaging of an elastic nonlinear wave source in a solid, Applied Physics Letters., 81, 646-648 (2002). (PDF File - 260 KB)

Kazakov, V. V., and P. A. Johnson. Nonlinear Wave Modulation Imaging. Nonlinear Acoustics at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Vol. 2, pp. 763-766. (2002) (PDF File - 324 KB)

Van Den Abeele, K. E-A., A. Sutin, J. Carmeliet, and P. Johnson, Micro-damage diagnostics using nonlinear wave spectrscopy (NEWS), NDT&E International 34, 239-248 (2001). (PDF File - 672 KB)

Van Den Abeele, K. and J. De Visscher. Damage assessment in reinforced concrete using spectral and temporal nonlinear vibration techniques. Cement and Concrete Research. 30, 1453-1464 (2000) (PDF File - 1.4 MB)

Van Den Abeele, K. E.-A., P. A. Johnson, and A. Sutin, Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy (NEWS) techniques to discern material damage. Part I: Nonlinear Wave Modulation Spectroscopy (NWMS), Research on NonDestructive Evaluation 12, 17-30, 2000. (PDF File - 672 KB)

Van Den Abeele, K. E.-A., J. Carmeliet, J. TenCate and P. A. Johnson, Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy (NEWS) techniques to discern material damage. Part II: Single Mode Nonlinear Resonance Acoustic Spectroscopy, Research on NonDestructive Evaluation 12, 31-43, 2000. (PDF File - 347 KB)

Johnson, P., The new wave in acoustic testing, Materials World, The J. Inst. Materials 7, 544-546 (1999) (PDF File - 3.5 MB)

Johnson, P. A., A. Sutin and K. E.-A. Van Den Abeele, Application of nonlinear modulation spectroscopy to discern damage in materials, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 1999.

Johnson, P. A., A. Sutin and K. E-A. Van Den Abeele, Application of Nonlinear Elastic Modulation Spectroscopy to Discern Damage in Materials, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (1998).

Van Den Abeele, K.E., P. A. Johnson, R.A. Guyer and K.R. McCall, On the quasi-analytic treatment of hysteretic nonlinear response in elastic wave propagation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101(4), 1885-1898 (1997).

Guyer, R. A., K. R. McCall, G. N. Boitnott, L. B. Hilbert, and T. J. Plona, Quantitative implementation of Preisach-Mayergoyz space to find static and dynamic elastic moduli in rock, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 5281--5293 (1997). (PDF File - 376 KB)

Nonlinear Elasticity & Earthquake Processeses

See also our web page related to this topic.

Johnson, P. A. and X. Jia, Nonlinear dynamics, granular media and dynamic earthquake triggering, Nature, 473 871-874 (July 2005) (PDF File - 328 KB)

Gomberg, J. and Johnson, P. A., Dynamic triggering of earthquakes, Nature, 473 830 (2005) (PDF File - 392 KB)

Beresnev I., E.H. Field, P.A. Johnson, and Koen E-A Van Den Abeele Evidence of nonlinear sediment response at stations LF6 and TAR during the 1994 Northridge, CA Earthquake. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 88(4), 1079-1084, 1998.

Beresnev, I. A., G. M. Atkinson, P. A. Johnson, and E. H. Field, Stochastic finite-fault modeling of ground motions from the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake. II. Widespread nonlinear response at soil sites, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 1998.

Field, E. H., Y. Zeng, P. A. Johnson, and I. A. Beresnev, Pervasive nonlinear response observed during the 1994 Northridge earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 1998.

Beresnev, I. A., E. H. Field, K. E.-A. Van Den Abeele, and P. A. Johnson, Evidence of Widespread Nonlinear Elastic Response at Soil Sites in the Los Angeles Basin During the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 1998.

Field, E.H., S. Kramer, A.-W. Elgamal, J.D. Bray, N. Matasovic, P.A. Johnson, C. Cramer, C. Roblee, D.J. Wald, L.F. Bonilla, P.P. Dimitriu, J.G. Anderson, Nonlinear site response: Where we1re at, Seism. Res. Lett., 69, 230-234.

Field, E. H., P. A. Johnson, I. Beresnev, and Y. Zeng, Nonlinear ground-motion amplification be sediments during the 1994 Northridge earthquake, Nature", 390, 599-602, (1997).

Field, E. H., P. A. Johnson, I. Beresnev, and Y. Zeng, "Nonlinear ground-motion amplification by sediments during the 1994 Northridge earthquake," Nature, 390, 599-602 (1997).

Combined Neutron Studies & Elastic Nonlinearity in Earth Materials

TenCate, J. A., S. Vogel, D. W. Brown, B. Clausen, M. Bourke, Using SMARTS to Learn About the Peculiar Nature of Rocks Under Compressive Stress, LANSCE Division Research Review, LA-UR-05-2852. (2005) (PDF File - 380 KB)

TenCate, J., T. Darling, T. Proffen, "The Puzzle of Unexpected Disorder: Probing Rocks with Neutrons", LA-UR-05-8694

Exploring Nonlinear Mechanical Behaviour of Rocks at LANSE - HTML

Darling, T. W., J. A. TenCate, D. W. Brown, B. Clausen, and S. C. Vogel. Neutron diffraction study of the contribution of grain contacts to nonlinear stress-strain behavior. Geophysical Research Letters. VOL. 31. (2004) (PDF File - 192 KB)

Page, K. L., Th. Proffen, S. E. McLain, T. W. Darling, and J. A. TenCate. Local atomic structure of Fontainebleau sandstone: Evidence for an amorphous phase? Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 31. (2004) (PDF File - 284 KB)

Nonlinear Elasticity in Medicine

Muller, M., D. Mitton, D., Talmant, M., Johnson, P., Laugier, P., Nonlinear ultrasound can detect accumulated damage in human bone, Journal of Biomechanics, 41, 1062-1068 (2008). (PDF File - 462 KB)

Ulrich, TJ, Paul A. Johnson, Marie Müller, David Mitton, Maryline Talmant, and Pascal Laugier, Application of nonlinear dynamics to monitoring progressive fatigue damage in human cortical bone, Applied Physics Letters, 91, 213901 (2007) (PDF File - 248 KB)

Muller, M., A. Sutin, R. Guyer, M. Talmant, P. Laugier, and P. A. Johnson, Nonlinear resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (NRUS) applied to damage assessment in bone, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118, 3946-3952 (2005) (PDF File - 316 KB)

Earthquake Triggering Processes, Granular Media, Earthquake Strong Ground Motion & Elastic Nonlinearity

Lawrence, Z., P. Bodin, C. Langston, F. Pearce, J. Gomberg, P. Johnson, F-Y. Meng, and T. Brackman, Induced Dynamic Nonlinear Ground Response at Garner Valley, California, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 98, 1412-1428 (2008). (PDF File - 1.2 MB)

Johnson, P., Savage, H., Knuth M., Gomberg, J., and Marone, C., The effect of acoustic waves on stick-slip behavior in sheared granular media: implications for earthquake recurrence and triggering, Nature, 47-60, Vol 451.3 (January 2008) (Contact Paul Johnson for reprint.)

Brunet, T., X. Jia and P. Johnson, Nonlinear propagation of pulsed ultrasonic waves in stressed granular solids, French Acoustical Society 2006 Meeting, Toulouse, France (2006) (PDF File - 652 KB)

Elastic Nonlinear Response in Granular Media Under Resonance Conditions - HTML

Johnson, P. A. and X. Jia, Nonlinear dynamics, granular media and dynamic earthquake triggering, Nature, 473 871-874 (July 2005) (PDF File - 328 KB)

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