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LANL : Earth & Environmental Sciences : Geophysics Group (EES-11)

Research Highlights


George Randall

Verification Seismologist


  • 505-667-9483 - Phone
  • 505-667-8487 - FAX


  • B.S., MIT, 1970, Electrical Engineering; emphasis on signal processing
  • M.S., University of Southern California, 1971, Electrical Engineering specializing in communication and information theory; awarded NSF traineeship
  • Ph.D., S.U.N.Y. Binghamton, Geological Sciences, 1993, Dissertation: Broadband Teleseismic Waveforms: Synthesis, Array Analysis, and Modeling for Lithospheric Structure; Supervisors: Dr. Francis Wu, Dr. George Zant

Links and EES-11 Publications

Selected Publications

Randall, George E., C.J. Ammon, and T.J. Owens, "Moment Tensor Estimation using Regional Seismograms from Portable Array Deployments", Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, p1665-1668, 1995.

Zhu, L., T.J. Owens, and G.E. Randall, "Lateral Variation in Crustal Structure of Northern Tibet Inferred from Teleseismic Receiver Functions", Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 85, p1531-1540, 1995.

Randall, George E., "Efficient Calculation of Complete Differential Seismograms for Laterally Homogeneous Earth Models", Geophy. J. Int., 118, p245-254, 1994.

Randall, George E., and T. J. Owens, "Array Analysis of the Large Aperture Array of the 1988-89 PASSCAL Basin and Range Passive Source Seismic Experiment", Geophys. J. Int., 116, p618-636, 1994.

Owens, T. J., G.E. Randall, and F.T. Wu, "PASSCAL Instrument Performance during the Tibetan Plateau Passive Seismic Experiment", Bull. Seis. Soc. AM., 83, p1959-1970, 1993.

Zhu, L., R.S. Zeng, F.T. We, T.J. Owens, and G.E. Randall, "Preliminary Study of Crust-Upper Mantle Structure of the Tibetan Plateau by Using Broadband Teleseismic Body Waveforms", Acta Seismologica Sinica, 36, p305-316, 1993.

Ammon, Charles J., G. Randall, and G. Zandt, "On the Non-Uniqueness of Receiver Function Inversion", J. Geophys. Res., 95, p15303-15318, 1990.

Randall, George E., "Efficient Computation of Differential Seismograms for Lithospheric Receiver Functions", Geophys. J. Int., 99, p469-481, 1989.

Priestley, Keith F., G. Zandt, and G. E. Randall, "Crustal Structure in Eastern Kazakh, U.S.S.R. Determined from Teleseismic Receiver Functions", Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 15, p613-616, 1988.

Zandt, George and George Randall, "On Shear Coupled Waves", Geophysical Research Letters, v12, p565-568, 1985.

Taylor, Steven R. and George E. Randall, "The Effects of Spall on Regional Seismograms", Geophysical Research Letters, 1989.

Randall, George E. and S. R. Taylor, "Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities Between RSNT and RSON", UCID 20504, 1985.

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