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LANL : Earth & Environmental Sciences : Geophysics Group (EES-11)

Research Highlights


Technical Publications Related to Induced and Microseismicity

  • Rutledge, J.T., Phillips, W.S., and Mayerhofer, M.J., 2004, Faulting induced by forced fluid injection and fluid flow forced by faulting: An interpretation of hydraulic-fracture microseismicity, Carthage Cotton Valley gas field, Texas, reprint, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 94, 1817-1830. 1.2 MB PDF
  • Rutledge, J.T., and Phillips, W.S., 2003, Hydraulic stimulation of natural fractures as revealed by induced microearthquakes, Carthage Cotton Valley gas field, east Texas, reprint Geophysics, 68, 441-452. 660 KB PDF
  • Rutledge, J.T., and Phillips, W.S., 2002, A comparison of microseismicity induced by gel-proppant- and water-injected hydraulic fractures, Carthage Cotton Valley gas field, East Texas, Soc. Explor. Geophys., 72nd Ann. Internat. Mtg., Expanded Abstracts, (submitted), Salt Lake City, October 6 - 11, 2002. 1.0 MB PDF
  • Rowe, C.A., R.C. Aster, W.S. Phillips, R.H. Jones, B.Borchers and M.C. Fehler, 2002, Using Automated, High-Precision Repicking to Improve Delineation of Microseismic Structures at the Soultz Geothermal Reservoir, Pure Appl. Geophys. 159: 563-596. (76 KB PDF File)
  • Rutledge, J.T., and Phillips, W.S., 2002, Hydraulic stimulation of natural fractures as revealed by induced microearthquakes, Carthage Cotton Valley gas field, east Texas, submitted to Geophysics, March, 2001. 850 KB PDF
  • Phillips, W.S., Rutledge, J.T., House, L.S. and Fehler, M.C., 2002, Induced microearthquake patterns in hydrocarbon and geothermal reservoirs: Six case studies, preprint Pure and Applied Geophysics, 159, 345-369. 600 KB PDF
  • Rutledge, J.T., Stark, M.A., Fairbanks, T.D., Anderson, T.D., 2002, Near-surface microearthquakes at The Geysers geothermal field, California, preprint Pure and Applied Geophysics, 159, 473-487. 300 KB PDF
  • Phillips, W.S., 2000, Precise microearthquake locations and fluid flow in the geothermal reservoir at Soultz-sous-Forets, France, preprint, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 90, 212-228. 4.2 MB PDF
  • Rowe, C.A., R.C. Aster, B. Borchers, C.J. Young, W.S. Phillips and M.C. Fehler, 2000, Precise relocation of hydrofracture and volcanic seismicity: Improved interpretability following application of an automatic, correlation-based repicking algorithm, EOS, Trans. AGU 81: F862.
  • Fehler, M., Phillips, W.S., House, L., Jones, R.H., Aster, R. and Rowe, C., 2000, Improved relative locations of clustered earthquakes using constrained multiple event location, preprint, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 90, 775-780. 400 KB PDF
  • Starzec, P., Fehler, M., Baria, R. and Niitsuma, H., 2000, Anisotropy of source parameters from induced microseismicity, preprint, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 90, 1528-1534. 700 KB PDF
  • Phillips, W.S., D.C. Pearson, X. Yang, and B.W. Stump, 1999, Aftershocks of an explosively induced mine collapse at White Pine, Michigan, preprint, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 89, 1575-1590. 2.0 MB PDF
  • Rutledge, J.T., Phillips, W.S., House, L.S. and Zinno, R.J., 1998, Microseismic mapping of a Cotton Valley hydraulic fracture using decimated downhole arrays, Soc. Explor. Geophys. 68th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Expanded Abstracts, 338-341, New Orleans, Louisiana, September, 1998. 100 KB PDF
  • Rutledge, J.T., Phillips, W.S. and B.K. Schuessler, 1998, Reservoir Characterization Using Oil-Production-Induced Microseismicity, Clinton County, Kentucky, preprint, Tectonophysics, 289, 129-152. 500 KB PDF
  • Phillips, W.S., T.D. Fairbanks, J.T. Rutledge and D.W. Anderson, 1998, Induced Microearthquake Patterns and Oil-Producing Fracture Systems in the Austin Chalk, preprint, Tectonophysics, 289, 153-169. Abstract and 1 MB PDF
  • Phillips, W.S., J.T. Rutledge, T.D. Fairbanks, T.L. Gardner, M.E. Miller and B.S. Maher, 1998, Reservoir fracture mapping using microearthquakes: Two oilfield case studies, preprint, Soc. Petrol. Eng., Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, April 1998, 114-121. (Peer reviewed version of SPE 36651 listed below), 600 KB PDF
  • Fehler, M.C., L. House, and W.S. Phillips, 1997, Identifying structures in clouds of induced microseismic events, Soc. Explor. Geophys. 67th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Expanded Abstracts, Dallas, Texas, Novemeber, 1997. 300 KB PDF
  • Phillips, W.S., L.S. House and M.C. Fehler, 1997, Detailed Joint Structure in a Geothermal Reservoir from Studies of Induced Microearthquake Clusters, preprint, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 11745-11763. Abstract, and 3.8 MB PDF
  • Phillips, W.S., J.T. Rutledge, T.D. Fairbanks, T.L. Gardner, M.E. Miller and B.K. Schuessler, Reservoir fracture mapping using microearthquakes: Austin chalk, Giddings field, TX and 76 field, Clinton Co., KY, paper SPE 36651, Soc. of Petro. Eng. Ann. Tech. Conf., 1996. Abstract and 600 KB PDF
  • Roff, A., W.S. Phillips and D.W. Brown, 1996, Joint structures determined by clustering microearthquakes using waveform amplitude ratios, Int. J. Rock Mech. and Min. Sci. and Geomech. Abstr., 33, 627-639. Abstract, HTML Paper or 1.6 MB PDF
  • Rutledge, J.T., Phillips, W.S., Roff, A, Albright, J.N., Hamilton-Smith, T., Jones, S., and, Kimmich, K., Subsurface fracture mapping using microearthquakes detected during primary oil production, Clinton County, Kentucky, paper SPE 28384, Soc. of Petro. Eng. Ann. Tech. Conf., 1994.
  • Block, L., C. H. Cheng, M. C. Fehler and W. S. Phillips, 1994, Seismic imaging using microearthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing, Geophysics, 59, 102-112.

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