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Topic: Home > News > News Photos

President Bush and church leaders bow their heads in prayer during congressional gold medal ...
President Bush and church leaders bow their heads in prayer during congressional gold medal ceremony in honor of Cardinal O' ... - 17.7KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush and Laura Bush meet with leaders of service organizations at the White House ...
President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush meet with leaders of service organizations at the White House Monday, July 2. - 17.5KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell hold a press conference about Powell's ..
President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell hold a press conference about Powell's organization, America's Promise, .. - 17.7KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush leaves Brdo Castle with Russian President Vladimir Putin Saturday, June 16 ..
President Bush leaves Brdo Castle with Russian President Vladimir Putin Saturday, June 16 in Karnj, Slovenia, for a meeting .. - 17.6KB
25 Apr 03
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An Academy graduate leaps during graduation ceremonies. President Bush congratulated each ..
An Academy graduate leaps during graduation ceremonies. President Bush congratulated each graduate. 20010525-1b.html - 33.6KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush visits the St. Augustine Parish Hunger Center in Cleveland ..
President George W. Bush visits the St. Augustine Parish Hunger Center in Cleveland Thursday, May 24. - 17.3KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush speaks to Marines at Camp Pendelton, CA Tuesday May 29, 2001 about ...
President George W. Bush speaks to Marines at Camp Pendelton, CA Tuesday May 29, 2001 about enregy conservation. - 17.4KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush accepts a bust of Sir Winston Churchill from ambassador of England, Sir ..
President Bush accepts a bust of Sir Winston Churchill from ambassador of England, Sir Christopher Meyer July 16, 2001. ""He was .. - 18.5KB
25 Apr 03
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President George Bush meets with national champion Duke and Notre Dame basketball teams at ..
President George Bush meets with national champion Duke and Notre Dame basketball teams at the White House Monday. 20010423-13.html - 17.4KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush makes a statement about global climate change on Monday, June 11 at the ..
President Bush makes a statement about global climate change on Monday, June 11 at the White House. - 17.4KB
25 Apr 03
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