Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. 2/15/2008 Executive Council Meeting Agenda

    • International partnerships (Carl Pilcher)
    • Report from Virtual Worlds workshop at Ames (Wendy Dolci, Carl Pilcher)
    • Plans for briefing the NAI Executive Council on collaborative technologies (Wendy Dolci, Carl Pilcher)
    DDF: continuing opportunity to propose projects (Ed Goolish)
    • Student support for AbSciCon travel (Melissa Kirven-Brooks)
    • Planning for EC in-person meeting on April 14 (All) – special invitations – agenda items

    • AbSciCon Student Poster competition (Melissa Kirven-Brooks)
    • Upcoming deadlines (Melissa Kirven-Brooks)
    • Astrobiology Program website launch
    ASM / E&PO project (Daniella Scalice)

    • Round-table announcements from each team, on the following: a) new research publications, b) mission-impact opportunities—i.e. what workshops, planning groups, or other opportunities for influencing missions are coming up, and c) any other information you wish to impart to the EC.

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