USDA  Forest Service
"" Daniel Boone National Forest USDA Logo and Forest Service Shield

USDA Forest Service
Daniel Boone
National Forest

1700 Bypass Road
Winchester, KY 40391

Phone: 859-745-3100
FAX: 859-744-1568

Natural Resources

An important part of the Forest Service mission is "protecting and managing the national forests and grasslands so they best demonstrate the sustainable multiple-use management concept."

In other words, the Daniel Boone National Forest is charged with managing natural resources in a way that best serves the multiple needs of a growing nation. The agency was established to ensure a renewable supply of timber and a steady source of clean water and minerals.

The Forest Service does not "own" the natural resources. Instead, the agency serves as caretaker for the real owners...the people of the United States.

Click on one of these topics to learn about current management issues on the Daniel Boone National Forest.

Learn about the First Annual Regional Wetland Restoration Institute from September 10-15, 2006.

Creating Vernal Ponds

A Guide To Creating Vernal Ponds

by Thomas R. Biebighauser

Cliff Palace PondForests, Forest Fires, and Their Makers: The Story of Cliff Palace Pond

by Paul A. Delcourt, Hazel R. Delcourt, Cecil R. Ison, William E. Sharp, and A. Gwynn Henderson






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