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Data Collection Search Results

There were 82 data collections returned.

Data Collection Name Spacecraft: Experiment
Energetic Electrons and Protons Data IMP-J: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
5.46-Min Averaged Experiment-Mode Count Rates IMP-J: Cosmic Ray Nuclear Composition
DC Electric Field Vectors and RMS ELF Noise Amplitude IMP-J: Electrostatic Fields
Hourly Averaged 1-2, 14-25 MeV Proton Flux Data IMP-J: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
Experiment-Mode Particle Count-Rate Plots by Solar Rotations, on Microfilm IMP-J: Cosmic Ray Nuclear Composition
High Resolution Electron & Ion Data IMP-J: Energetic Electrons and Protons
30-Min Averaged Count Rates for All Modes IMP-J: Energetic Electrons and Protons
Solar Wind Pressure Plots on Microfiche IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
5-Minute Averaged Interplanetary Magnetic Field and Plasma Data IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
High Resolution Data IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
Hourly Avrgd Solar Wind Plasma Parameters Published in 'Solar-Geophysical Data' IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
11-min Fluxes from EECA Instrument IMP-J: Solid-State Detectors
Daily Averaged Flux Plots on Microfiche IMP-H: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
IMP-J: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
Daily Averaged Proton Fluxes Greater than 10, 30, 60 MeV IMP-J: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
Hourly Averaged Alpha Particle (11-90 MeV/Nuc) Data IMP-J: Cosmic Ray Nuclear Composition
Summary Data IMP-J: Solid-State Detectors
10-Min Averaged, 220-KeV Proton Count Rate Plots on Microfilm IMP-J: Solid-State Detectors
N,V,T Full Resolution Plots on Micro fiche IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
5-Min Averaged Interplanetary Field and Plasma, Select Parameters From 73-078A-02 IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
5 Minute Resolution Plasma Parameter Data IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
15 Sec Magnetic Field Plots on Microfilm For IMS Special Periods IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
MATR Data: Pulse Height Analysis Summary IMP-J: Solar and Cosmic-Ray Particles
15-Min Rates and Fluxes on ANON/FTP and on CD-ROM IMP-J: Cosmic Ray Nuclear Composition
5 Minute Field and Plasma Data from UCLA IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
IMP-J: Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer
20-s CPME + EPE Particle, 15-s Magnetic Field and 1-min Plasma Merged Data Set IMP-J: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
IMP-J: Energetic Electrons and Protons
IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
Hourly Averaged Electron Data (1-5 MeV) IMP-J: Electrons and Hydrogen and Helium Isotopes
Hourly Average Low Energy Protons(.16-.22 MeV) Data IMP-J: Solid-State Detectors
Solar Ion and Electron Count Rates on Encyclopedia Files IMP-J: Solid-State Detectors
Hourly Averaged IMP Magnetic Field Data IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
Time-Ordered, Sectored Count-Rate and Pulse-Height Data IMP-J: Cosmic Ray Nuclear Composition
Four-Album Averaged Electron and Proton Data IMP-J: Energetic Electrons and Protons
1-2 Minute Resolution Plasma Parameter Data IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
Hourly-Averaged High Energy Protons 40-80 MeV IMP-J: Solar and Cosmic-Ray Particles
Daily Averaged Fluxes IMP-H: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
IMP-J: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
Survey Plots of all Detectors, 24-Hours of Data Per Plot, on Microfilm IMP-J: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
Half Hour Resolution Count Rate Plots on Microfilm IMP-J: Electrons and Hydrogen and Helium Isotopes
Histogram Plots on Microfilm IMP-H: Energetic Electrons and Protons
IMP-J: Energetic Electrons and Protons
0.32 s GSE Magnetic Field Data IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
24-Hr Magnetic Field Summary Plots on Microfiche IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
CNTS Data: Count Rates from the VLET, LED, & MED Detectors IMP-J: Solar and Cosmic-Ray Particles
High Time Resolution Electric Field Events (Selected Special Periods) IMP-J: Electrostatic Fields
Hourly Proton Flux 1,2,4,10,30,60 MeV Data IMP-J: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
Reduced Data Files Containing Count Rates of all Detectors IMP-J: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
15.36 Sec Averaged Vector Magnetic Field Data Plots on Microfilm IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
Hourly Averaged High Energy Protons (20- 40 MeV) Data IMP-J: Solar and Cosmic-Ray Particles
Hourly Averaged 1-2 and 14-25 MeV Proton Flux Data IMP-H: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
IMP-J: Charged Particle Measurements Experiment (CPME)
Hourly Averaged Proton Data(4.0-12.5 MeV) IMP-J: Electrons and Hydrogen and Helium Isotopes
Hourly Averaged Count Rate Data IMP-J: Electrons and Hydrogen and Helium Isotopes
Simulated Three-Dimensional Contour Listings on Microfilm IMP-H: Energetic Electrons and Protons
IMP-J: Energetic Electrons and Protons
Hourly Averaged Solar Plasma Data IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
PHAS Data: Pulse Height Data from the LED & MED IMP-J: Solar and Cosmic-Ray Particles
Large Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Database Explorer 33: GSFC Magnetometer
IMP-F: Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometer
Explorer 35: GSFC Magnetometer
HEOS 1: Electric and Magnetic Fields
IMP-G: Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometer
IMP-I: Measurement of Magnetic Fields
HEOS 2: Fluxgate Magnetometer
IMP-H: Magnetic Fields Experiment
IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
ISEE 1: Fluxgate Magnetometer, Tri-axial
ISEE 2: Fluxgate Magnetometer, Tri-axial
15 Second Averaged Magnetic Field Data, IEEE Binary, Version 2 IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
15-s Averaged Magnetic Vectors, ASCII, Version 2 IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
15-s Averaged Magnetic Vectors, CDF I8_H0_MAG, Version 2 IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
IMP-8 Fluxgate Magnetometer, CDAWeb, ~1-Minute Resolution, Key Parameters IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
Plasma Parameter Data from IMP-8, Faraday Cup Instrument IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
1-Hour averaged magnetic field data for all orbit phases IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
1-Hour averaged magnetic field data for solar wind only IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
1-Hour averaged Proton and Alpha Solar Wind Moments Data IMP-J: Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer
Solar Wind and Magnetosheath Data, 1 minute averages IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
1-MIN averaged field and plasma data for all orbit phases IMP-J: Solar Plasma Faraday Cup
IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
High Resolution Plasma Data (PROMIS period) IMP-J: Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer
Full Color Slides of E-T Spectrograms for Plasma Measurements IMP-J: Measurement of Low-Energy Protons and Electrons
Merged IMP-H and -J Hourly Averaged Solar Wind Plasma Data IMP-H: Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer
IMP-J: Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer
Digital Distribution Functions IMP-J: Measurement of Low-Energy Protons and Electrons
24-Hour Electric and Magnetic Field Survey Plots on Microfilm IMP-J: Electrostatic Waves and Radio Noise
Five-minute Plasma Parameters in the Magnetotail, Three-hour Plots and Listings IMP-J: Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer
Solar Wind Three Hour Averaged Plasma Parameters from IMP I, J, and H (1973-4) IMP-I: Measurement of Solar Plasma
IMP-H: Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer
IMP-J: Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer
Electron and Proton Plasma Data, CDAW IMP-H: Measurement of Low-Energy Protons and Electrons
IMP-J: Measurement of Low-Energy Protons and Electrons
1-Minute Averaged Magnetic Vectors Data IMP-J: Magnetic Field Experiment
164 Second Resolution Electron and Proton Plasma Data, CDAW IMP-H: Measurement of Low-Energy Protons and Electrons
IMP-J: Measurement of Low-Energy Protons and Electrons
2-Minute Proton and Alpha Solar Wind Moments Data IMP-J: Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer
Hourly Averaged Solar Wind Plasma Density Velocity, Proton Temperature Data IMP-J: Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer
24-Hour Color Energy-Time Spectrograms, Digital Images in GIF Format IMP-J: Measurement of Low-Energy Protons and Electrons
Orbital Plots for the PROMIS Period IMP-J
Predicted World Maps IMP-J
Trajectory Plots on Microfiche IMP-J
Hourly GSE, GSM Coordinates Ephemeris Data IMP-J
Predicted Orbit Plots on Microfilm IMP-J
Daily Neutral Sheet and Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric X and Y Plots Vela 5B
Rotated Geocentric Solar Ecliptic X/Y Plots and Solar Magnetic Latitude vs Local Time Plots Vela 5B
Hawkeye 1
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