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Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum



Earth to Sky

Earth to Sky

Earth to Sky is a partnership between NASA's Space and Earth Science disciplines and the National Park Service (NPS). As individual institutions, both NASA and NPS strive to protect and share with the public the beauty and knowledge of our natural world. Together, we support each others' visions and are working to enrich the experiences of millions of park visitors. The Earth to Sky partnership offers NASA scientists and NPS interpreters in-depth opportunities for collaboration, creating new perspectives and products for delivering Space and Earth science to a broader audience.

The partnership began with professional development workshops, during which interpreters explored NASA's cutting-edge science, visited NASA Centers and had a chance to meet with many scientists and Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) professionals. Five cross-mission themes,the Night Sky, Comparative Planetology, Astrobiology, the Sun-Earth Connection/Space Weather and Earth Systems Science,provided exciting new NASA content, which rangers then developed into plans for interpretive products and programs for their home parks.

As participants have commented:

"…a fantastic workshop. I am honored to have participated in such a well organized and inspirational event. It has broadly expanded my interpretive mind."
,park ranger, Earth to Sky Institute

"The training was excellent. It was one of the best trainings I ever attended. This should be done again. There is lots of potential in this partnership."
,park ranger, Earth to Sky Institute

Now in our second year, we are again teaming NPS interpreters with NASA scientists and E/PO personnel to develop several interpretive products. This time, the focus is on Sun-Earth Connection disciplines and Earth System science. Training tools, a traveling exhibit and brochure, and interpretive programming are all in the works,each with the ultimate goal of enabling NASA and NPS to ever more effectively communicate science to the public.


Our biggest challenge is keeping up with the interest this partnership has created. As one of the Park Rangers said, "There is lots of potential in this partnership." This certainly continues to be the case!

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