Wrapping up the Citizen’s Briefing Book

Every day, the President receives books filled with facts and recommendations to be considered while crafting and enacting policies.

The Citizen’s Briefing Book—a project that has enabled everyday Americans to share their expertise and insight with President Obama—has been a tremendous success so far.

Michael Strautmanis, Director of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs for the Transition, was particularly impressed by the enthusiastic response the feature has elicited.

“We have had an unbelievable response—over 70,000 people participated, half a million votes, and tens of thousands of wonderful ideas,” Strautmanis said.

Watch Mr. Stratumanis’ reaction below:

Also available on MySpace, Vimeo, and Yahoo.
Download higher resolution .mp4 file (14 MB) here.

The Citizen’s Briefing Book will be open for ideas, comments, and voting until Sunday at 6pm.  President Obama will later receive the Citizen’s Briefing Book: a unique compilation of the ideas and feedback submitted completely by the Change.gov community.

We’re eager to carry this community’s enthusiasm forward in the coming months and years. We invite all Americans to join the new administration online at WhiteHouse.gov after President-elect Obama is sworn in.

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