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Terrorist Financing
Introduction | Press Releases | Documents

As a member of the Financial Services Committee, I monitor the work of Treasury and the financial regulators to provide a coordinated framework for responding to threats to the financial system. I am a cofounder of the bipartisan Terrorist Financing Task Force which is studying further actions that can be taken to trace terrorist funds. I support strong action against those who finance terrorism, and have cosponsored several bills that crack down on countries or financial institutions that fail to adopt strong anti-terrorist financing procedures.

Cosponsored legislation in the 109th Congress

06/29/06 - H.RES.900 Supporting intelligence and law enforcement programs to track terrorists and terrorist finances conducted consistent with Federal law and with appropriate congressional consultation.

4/28/2005 - H.R. 1952 - Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to report annually on each country that is not complying with the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism. Requires with respect to such a country: (1) withholding of 50 percent of bilateral assistance; and (2) withholding of access to financial institution multilateral assistance.

5/26/2005 - H.R. 2715 - Stop Self-Authorized Secret Searches Act - Amends the federal criminal code, the Right to Financial Privacy Act, and Fair Credit Reporting Act to require that there be specific and articulable facts giving reason to believe that the person to whom financial records pertain is a foreign power or agent for Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) access to such records for foreign intelligence and international terrorism investigations.

07/20/2005 - H.R. 3370 - Arab Bank Accountability Act - Directs the President to block certain Bank assets within the United States which shall be made available for payment of any terrorism-related judgment against the Bank. States that after any such judgment becomes final the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve System and the Comptroller of the Currency shall act to terminate any Bank branch or agency in the United States and to prohibit the Bank from maintaining any interest in any commercial lending company within the United States.