Home > Forecasts & Analysis > Annual Energy Outlook Analyses > State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2006 > Notes

State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2006

Notes and Sources

37.  Energy Information Administration, “State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Update Through 2005,” Annual Energy Outlook 2006, DOE/EIA-0383(2006) (Washington, DC, February 2006), pp. 24-27, web site www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/archive/ aeo06. 

38.  E-mail communication with Ray Williamson, Arizona Corporation Commission, August 28, 2006. 

39.  Arizona Corporation Commission, “In the Matter of the Proposed Rulemaking for the Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff Rules,” Docket No. RE-00000C- 05-0030, web site www.cc.state.az.us/utility/electric/ RES-03-14-06.pdf (March 14, 2006). 

40. California Public Utilities Commission, “Renewable Energy,” web site www.cpuc.ca.gov/static/energy/ electric/renewableenergy. 

41. California Energy Commission, Renewable Energy Program: Overall Program Guidebook, CEC-300- 2006-008-F (Sacramento, CA, April 2006), web site www.energy.ca.gov/2006publications/CEC-300-2006- 008/CEC-300-2006-008-F.pdf. 

42. See web sites www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/sen/sb_ 0101-0150/sb_107_bill_20060926_history.html and www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/sen/sb_0101-0150/sb_ 107_bill_20060926_chaptered.pdf. 

43. State of Connecticut, “An Act Concerning Biomass,” Substitute Senate Bill No. 212, Public Act No. 06-74, web site www.cga.ct.gov/2006/ACT/PA/2006PA- 00074-R00SB-00212-PA.htm. 

44.  State of Maine, “An Act To Enhance Maine’s Energy Independence and Security,” Chapter 677, H.P. 1439 - L.D. 2041, web site www.mainelegislature.org/legis/ bills/chapdocs/PUBLIC677.doc. 

45. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation, “Policy Statement on the RPS Eligibility of Retooled Biomass Plants” (October 27, 2005), web site www.mass.gov/doer/rps/rps- pol-stat-elig-biomass.pdf. 

46. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation, “Annual RPS Compliance Report for 2004” (January 9, 2006), web site www.mass.gov/doer/rps/rps-2004annual-rpt.pdf. 

47. Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, “Revised Adopted Regulation of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada,” LCB File No. R167-05 (February 23, 2006), web site www.leg.state.nv.us/Register/2005 Register/R167-05RA.pdf. 

48. New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, New Jersey Administrative Code Title 14, Chapter 8, Subchapter 2, “Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) Rules Adoption” (April 13, 2006), web site www.state.nj.us/ bpu/wwwroot/secretary/RPS_148.2.pdf. 

49. Wisconsin State Legislature, “Engrossed 2005 Senate Bill 459” (February 22, 2006), web site www.legis. state.wi.us/2005/data/SB-459eng.pdf. 

50. Note that the AEO2007 reference case is based on the California legislative target (as of September 1, 2006) of 10 percent by 2017. Legislation accelerating the deadline to 2010 was signed into law too late to be included in the AEO2007 projections.