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House Committee Procedures


Committee Reference(1) Reporting Subpoena Closing Testimony Other
Agriculture Rule 4 Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3
Appropriations Rule 5(c), 6(b) Majority Majority Majority 2 Majority
Armed Services Rule 10 Majority Majority Majority 2
Budget Rule 5, 13 Majority Majority Majority 2 Majority
Energy and Commerce Rule 6 Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3
Education and the Workforce Rule 13(b) Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3
Financial Services Rule 6 Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3
Government Reform Rule 3 Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3
House Administration Rule 7 Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3(2)
International Relations Rule 3 Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3(3)
Judiciary Rule 2(g), 3(c) Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3
Resources Rule 3(d) Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3
Rules Rule 3(b) Majority Majority Majority 3(4) Majority
Science Rule 2(a) Majority Majority Majority 2(5) 1/3(6)
Small Business Rule 8 Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3
Standards of Official Conduct Rule 9 Majority Majority Majority 2(7) Majority
Transportation and Infrastructure Rule 6 Majority Majority Majority 2 1/3
Veterans' Affairs Rule 2(c) Majority Majority Majority 2 Majority
Ways and Means Rule 2 Majority Majority Majority 2(8) Majority
Permanent Select on Intelligence Rule 6, 5(9) Majority Majority Majority(10) 2 Majority

1. The committee rule or rules regarding quorums.

2. A majority of the Committee on House Administration is also the quorum for promulgating orders or changing committee rules.

3. The Committee on International Relations also has a provision requiring a majority for any other action so mandated by House Rule or by law.

4. The Committee on Rules requires at least 5 members for testimony on rule requests and 3 for original jurisdiction legislation.

5. The Committee on Science requires that at least one member from both parties be present at testimony unless waived by Chairman upon consultation with Ranking Member.

6. The Committee on Science requires a majority quorum for a motion to table.

7. An adjudicatory subcommittee of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct requires a majority plus one quorum.

8. The Committee on Ways and Means requires that "every effort" be made to ensure members of both parties are present for testimony.

9. The full citation for quorum requirements to close a committee hearing is 5(b)2(B).

10. The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence requires that either a majority be present or that at least one member of the minority is present and voting to close a meeting to the public.