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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

B.2 Attribute Names

ATN   (Attribute Name)
ACCESSION_NOAccession number
AMBIGUITY_FLAGSource atom Abmiguity Flag
AMTAOT uses MeSH term
ANMeSH Annotation - an informative MeSH note written primarily for indexers or catalogers that may also be useful in explaining the use of a MeSH term to online searchers.
AQLMeSH Allowable Qualifier - list of allowable qualifier abbreviations for MeSH main headings (e.g. AA, CL, CS, DF, DU, IM, I,P ME, PK)
AQSNOMED CT "allowable qualifier" attribute for representing certain relationships (those having a characteristic type of "Qualifier" and a refinability of "Mandatory") which indicate one of several allowable types of qualifiers, such as laterality or severity, that a concept may have
CCFCanonical Clinical Problem Statement System (CCPSS) frequency - the number of times a CCPSS term appears in a patient record.
CCIICD-9-CM code(s) clusters in a Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) category - individual ICD-9-CM codes (or ranges of such codes) classified into CCS categories.
CFRCode of Federal Regulation Number (e.g. 862.3220, 892.1610)
CHARACTERISTICTYPESNOMED CT indication of whether a relationship specifies a defining characteristic of the source concept or a possible qualification of that Concept.
CITECitation or edition information
CNUISO 3166-1 standard country code in numeric (three-digit) format
COMPONENTHISTORYSNOMED CT history of a single instance of a change to a source data element in a particular version of SNOMED CT.
CONCEPTSTATUSSNOMED CT status which indicates whether a concept is in active use and, if not, indicates the reason it is inactive.
CONSIDERCodes to consider before definitive diagnosis
CPFCPT Full Description - complete text of the CPT full description, in cases where the CPT term in the "STR" field of MRCON has been trimmed from its original form.
CRIT_INTERACT_WITHCritical interaction with
CTV3IDThe Read Code for a SNOMED CT concept taken from the United Kingdom?s Clinical Terms Version 3 terminology.
CV_ALGORITHMContent view algorithm
CV_CATEGORYContent view category
CV_CLASSContent view class
CV_CODEContent view code
CV_CONTRIBUTOR_DATEDate corresponding to the contributor version of this concept view
CV_CONTRIBUTOR_URLURL corresponding to the contributor version of this concept view
CV_CONTRIBUTOR_VERSIONVersion of this content view submitted by the contributor
CV_CONTRIBUTORContent view contributor
CV_DESCRIPTIONContent view description
CV_IS_GENERATEDContent view generated: Y/N
CV_MAINTAINER_DATEDate corresponding to the maintainer version of this concept view
CV_MAINTAINER_URLURL corresponding to the maintainer version of this concept view
CV_MAINTAINER_VERSIONVersion of this content view submitted by the maintainer
CV_MAINTAINERContent view maintainer
CV_PREVIOUS_METAPrevious UMLS Metathesaurus version used to generate content view. A null value means the content view is generated based on current UMLS Metathesaurus version.
CV_SUBCATEGORYContent view subcategory
CV_SUBCLASSContent view subcategory
CXMeSH Consider Also Note - other word roots or prefixes that should be consulted for concepts related to this MeSH concept, e.g., the value for "Heart" is "consider also terms at cardi- and myocardi-".
DATE_CREATEDDate created
DATE_FIRST_PUBLISHEDDate first published
DATE_LAST_MODIFIEDDate last modified
DATE_NAME_CHANGEDDate name changed
DAMetathesaurus Date of entry - YYYYMMDD, e.g., 19920830 - date of entry of the concept into the Metathesaurus.
DB_XRDatabase cross-reference
DCSAControlled Substance Act designation code (e.g. 4)
DCMeSH Descriptor class - type of MeSH term the concept name represents.
DDFADrug Doseform Abbreviation (e.g. SOLN)
DDFDrug Doseform (e.g. chewable tablet)
DEFCHARACTERISTICSDefining characteristics
DESCRIPTIONSTATUSSNOMED CT description status which indicates whether a description (concept name) is in active use and, if not, the reason it is inactive.
DESCRIPTIONTYPESNOMED CT term type, indicating whether the term is the Preferred Term, Synonym or the Fully Specified Name for the associated concept.
DESIGN_NOTEDesign note.
DEVTYPEDevice Type
DHJCMultum HCPCS J-code Multum clinical drugs linked to HCPCS J-codes where applicable (e.g. J7507)
DIDDescriptor Identifier
DIVNCBI Division/Phyla (e.g. DIV[NCBI]Viruses)
DM_SPL_IDDailyMed internal identifier for MTHSPL atom
DPCMultum Pregnancy Hazard Classification Code assigned to Multum clinical drugs. (e.g. X, D)
DQMeSH Date Qualifier Established YYYYMMDD - date the qualifier became available for indexing MEDLARS citations.
DRTADrug Route of Administration Abbreviation (e.g. INJ)
DRTDrug Route of Administration (e.g. Injection (systemic) )
DRUG_CLASS_TYPEVA Drug class type - 0=Major drug class, 1=Minor Drug Class, 2=Sub class
DSTDrug Strength (e.g. 0.01%, 0.02 MG, 0.02 MG/ML)
DXMeSH Date major descriptor established YYYYMMDD - first day of the Index Medicus publication month in which the descriptor (in any form) was available for searching as a major descriptor.
EC_OFMeSH Entry combination OF - an invalid MeSH main heading/subheading combination that is a cross reference to a single MeSH main heading or a main heading/subheading combination that should be used in its place. Has a format of SDUI/Qualifier
ECMeSH Entry combination - an invalid MeSH main heading/subheading combination that is a cross reference to a single MeSH main heading or a main heading/subheading combination that should be used in its place.
EXCLUDE_DI_CHECKExclude drug interaction check
EZEnzyme Commission Number - International Union of Biochemists Enzyme Commission number for an enzyme concept.
FDASRSFDA Structured Product Label UNII Code for Active Substance
FROMRSABRoot source abbreviation for the "from" identifiers of a map set
FROMVSABVersioned source abbreviation for the "from" identifiers of a map set
FRMeSH Frequency
FXMeSH MH Mapping - maps a MeSH MH to a 'See Related' MH.
GENE_FAMGene family name
GO_COMMENTGO Comment field data
GO_NAMESPACEGo Namespace field data
GO_SUBSETGo Subset field data
GROUPURLURL for corresponding health topic groups on MedlinePlus
GXRGO Cross Reference to external databases (e.g. MetaCyc:TRNA-CHARGING-PWY)
HACHCPCS action code - code denoting the change made to a procedure or modifier code within the HCPCS system.
HADHCPCS Action Effective Date - effective date of action to a procedure or modifier code.
HAQHCPCS Anesthesia Base Unit Quantity - base unit represents the level of intensity for anesthesia procedure services that reflects all activities except time.
HATHL7 "appliesTo" concept code property
HBTHCPCS Berenson-Eggers Type of Service Code - BETOS for the procedure code based on generally agreed upon clinically meaningful groupings of procedures and services.
HCCHCPCS Coverage Code - code denoting Medicare coverage status. There are two subelements separated by "=".
HCDIHL7 Code Instance: Number to disambiguate case differences (Default 0)
HCDHCPCS Code Added Date - year the HCPCS code was added to the HCFA Common Procedure Coding System.
HCOHL7 Comment
HCSHL7 Concept Status: Status of concept code (P - proposed, A - active, R - retired)
HDSHL7 Designation Sequence: Designation id within concept
HHAHL7 "howApplies" concept code property
HIDHL7 internal Id: Internal identifier of codeSystemId/conceptCode. More than one conceptCode/codeInstance may map to the same internalId
HIRHCPCS Coverage Issues Manual Reference Section Number - number identifying the Reference Section of the Coverage Issues Manual.
HITHL7 Interpretation: German Interpretation according to the German HL/ user group
HLCHCPCS Lab Certification Code - code used to classify laboratory procedures according to the specialty certification categories listed by CMS(formerly HCFA).
HLIRHL7 "inverseRelationship" concept code property
HMPHCPCS Multiple Pricing Indicator Code - code used to identify instances where a procedure could be priced.
HMRHCPCS Medicare Carriers Manual reference section number - number identifying a section of the Medicare Carriers Manual
HMMeSH Heading Mapped To - heading mapped to attribute in C-MeSH containing repeating (MH or MH/SH) elements (e.g. HM = PYRROLIDINONES, HM = *TARTRATES, HM = ESTRONE/* analogs & derivatives)
HNHistory Note - for MeSH history notes, the year when the current form of the MeSH term was established as a major and/or minor descriptor.
HOIHL7 "openIssue" concept code property
HPDHCPCS ACD payment group effective date - date the procedure is assigned to the ASC payment group.
HPGHCPCS ASC payment group code which represents the dollar amount of the facility charge payable by Medicare for the procedure.
HPIHCPCS Pricing Indicator Code - used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under Part B.
HPLHL7 Preferred for Language: Yes means that this designation is the primary designation for the given language
HPNHCPCS processing note number identifying the processing note contained in Appendix A of the HCPCS Manual.
HSEHL7 Section: Chapter
HSNUHL7 Sort Number: Number for sorting the values according to the official document
HSNHCPCS Statute Number identifying statute reference for coverage or noncoverage of procedure or service.
HTAHL7 Anchor: HTML-Reference to the Standard
HTDHCPCS Termination Date - last date for which a procedure or code may be used by Medicare Providers.
HTGHL7 Generate: Yes/No
HTSHCPCS Type of Service Code - carrier assigned HCFA Type of Service which describes the particular kind(s) of service represented by the procedure code.
HTTHL7 Table Type: Number specifying the type of this table (user defined, HL7 defined, ..)
HUSHL7 Usage: How is this data element used (Original, Added, Deleted)
HXRHCPCS Cross reference code - an explicit reference crosswalking a deleted code or a code that is not valid for Medicare to a valid current code (or range of codes).
IAAICD10AM Abbreviated Descriptor
IACICD10AM Australian Code - Contains a flag "1" for codes that have been exclusively developed in Australia.
IADICD10AM Effective from - indicates the date that the code is effective from.
IAHICD10AM Age Edit, higher limit - minimum age is expressed as a three digit field.
IALICD10AM Age Edit, lower limit - minimum age is expressed as a three digit field.
IANICD10AM Annotation Note - a + (Dagger) denotes a code describing the etiology or underlying cause of the disease; an * (asterisk) denotes a code describing the manifestation of a disease
IARICD10AM Relationship Note - code embedded in the term, may have a * or +.
IASICD10AM Sex Edit flag to indicate whether the code is valid for a particular sex. Sex flags are 1 (male) or 2 (female).
IATICD10AM Sex Edit Type - all sex flagged codes are followed by a "sex edit type" flag. The sex edit type flags are 1 (fatal) or 2 (warning).
IAYICD10AM Age Edit Type - all age flagged codes are followed by an age edit type flag. The age edit type flags are 1 (fatal) or 2 (warning).
ICAICD Additional Codes Note - an ICD-9-CM instruction to signal the coder that an additional code should be used if the information is available to provide a more complete picture of that diagnoses or procedure.
ICCICD Codes Also Note - an ICD-9-CM instruction to signal the coder to code additional information.
ICEICD Entry Term (e.g. Diarrhea:{dysenteric; epidemic}; Infectious diarrheal disease)
ICFICD Fifth-digit Code Note - instruction to coders indicating use of a fifth-digit code.
ICNICD Note - instruction providing additional coding information.
IDNROriginal ID number for source file
IIMeSH Indexing Information - for MeSH chemical terms (Term Type=NM), MeSH headings that may be relevant to articles that are also assigned the NM term.
INCLUDED_MESH_UISUsed for MoA concepts where multiple MeSH descriptors were merged into one NDF-RT concept
INCICD10AM Neoplasm code (e.g. C34.- )
INITIALCAPITALSTATUSSNOMED CT capital status, indicating whether the capitalization of the first character of the SNOMED CT term is significant.
INTERVENTION_DESCRIPTIONIntervention description
INTERVENTION_SEQUENCEIntervention sequence number
INTERVENTION_TEXTIntervention text
IPXICD10 code related to an ICPC code - a + indicates that the ICD10 code is broader than the ICPC code; a - indicates that the ICD10 code is narrower than the ICPC code.
ISPRIMITIVESNOMED CT indicator of whether concept is primitive or fully defined by its defining characteristics.
JXROMIM code that is related to Jablonski term.
LALLOINC Answerlist - list of answers for results that are reportable from a multiple choice list, e.g., the answers for the term DISPOSITION OF BLOOD PACK are GIVEN;PARTIALLY GIVEN;DISCARDED.
LANGUAGECODESNOMED CT string identifying a language and, if appropriate, a dialect in which this description is valid.
LAST_REVIEWEDLast reviewed
LCALOINC ACSSYM field - LOINC chemical name synonyms, alternative names and chemical formulae from the Chemical Abstract Society.
LCBLOINC Chemical base name from the Chemical Abstract Society.
LCDLOINC CDISC common tests
LCLLOINC Class - arbitrary classification of terms in LOINC designed to assist LOINC development and to group related observations together (e.g. ABXBACT = Antibiotic susceptibility)
LCNLOINC Classtype - 1 = Laboratory class; 2 = Clinical class
LCSLOINC Depreciated or superseded status - an indicator that a LOINC term is no longer to be used. The term that should now be used will appear in the LMP element.
LCTLOINC Change Type Code - type of change made to a LOINC term.
LEALOINC Example Answers - for some tests and measurements, LOINC has supplied examples of valid answers. These values differ from those in the ANSWERLIST field because that details possible values for nominal scale terms.
LEVELSpecifies the type of drug concepts.
LFOLOINC Formula - regression equation details for many OB.US calculated terms.
LLRLOINC Date Last Changed YYYYMMDD - date the LOINC term was last changed.
LMMMolecular weights - contains the molecular weights of many chemical moieties when they are provided.
LMPLOINC Map to Code of the term that has superseded a term with a LCS value of DEL.
LNCLOINC NAACCR_ID - LOINC terms mapped to North American Association of Central Cancer Registries Identification
LORLOINC ORDER_OBS field. Defines term as order only, observation only, or both. Values are: BOTH OBSERVATION ORDER. A fourth category, Subset, is used for terms that are subsets of a panel but do not represent a package that is known to be orderable.
LPLLOINC Panel Elements
LQSSurvey Question Source
LQTSurvey Question Text
LRFReference - contains references to medical literature, product announcements, or other written sources of information on the test or measurement described by the LOINC record.
LRN2Related names 2
LRNLOINC related name - Previously was released as a RN string from LOINC; converted from a term type in 2002AD (e.g. AMIKIN)
LSPLOINC Species code
LTIndicates if a chemicals or medical device is a tradename (present in older versions of the Metathesaurus and was discontinued, then brought back starting in 2002AD)
LURUnits required when used as OBX segment - a Y/N field that indicates that units are required when this LOINC is included as an OBX segment in a HIPAA attachment
MAPPED_ENTREZGENE_IDEntrez gene ID (mapped data)
MAPPED_GDB_IDGDB ID (mapped data)
MAPPED_REFSEQ_IDRefSeq (mapped data)
MAPSETGRAMMARGrammar used to describe boolean expressions used in a map set
MAPSETNAMEOfficial name of a map set
MAPSETREALMIDIdentifier of a "Realm" to which a source is mapped, within which this cross mapping table is applicable. Used in cases where Realm specific business rules or guidelines alter the acceptable mappings. Realm is the same as used in SNOMED CT subsets. It includes a four character ISO6523 identifier followed by an optional series of concatenated subdivision codes defined by the registered organization.
MAPSETRSABRoot source abbreviation for a map set
MAPSETRULETYPEIndicates the types of rules used in a map set and cross map targets to which a source is mapped.
MAPSETSCHEMEIDStandard identifier for the scheme to which a map set belongs. This may be an International Coding Scheme Identifier (ISO7826) or an Object Identifier (OID) used as specified by HL7.
MAPSETSCHEMENAMEFull name of the target scheme in a map set.
MAPSETSCHEMEVERSIONVersion number of the target scheme (as published by the issuing organization) in a map set.
MAPSETSEPARATORCODEXML entity code (for example, "&#7c;" to represent the vertical-bar character) for the character used as a separator between the individual codes in the target codes field in a map set.
MAPSETSIDSource asserted identifier for a map set
MAPSETTYPEIndicates the nature of a map set. Its value is map set specific. It can be used to indicate the inclusion of one to one, one to many and choices of maps.
MAPSETVERSIONVersion of the map set
MAPSETVSABVersioned source abbreviation for a map set
MAPSETXRTARGETIDMap set target identifier used bfor XR mappings.
MDAMeSH date of entry YYYYMMDD - date the term was added to the MeSH file, which is prior to the date the term became available for indexing and searching MEDLARS citations. Terms that have been part of MeSH for many years may have no value in this element.
MEAIn NOC, the "measurement scale" used for a particular outcome.
MED1901Medline citation counts from articles dated 1901.
MED1902Medline citation counts from articles dated 1902.
MED1903Medline citation counts from articles dated 1903.
MED1904Medline citation counts from articles dated 1904.
MED1905Medline citation counts from articles dated 1905.
MED1906Medline citation counts from articles dated 1906.
MED1907Medline citation counts from articles dated 1907.
MED1908Medline citation counts from articles dated 1908.
MED1909Medline citation counts from articles dated 1909.
MED1910Medline citation counts from articles dated 1910.
MED1911Medline citation counts from articles dated 1911.
MED1912Medline citation counts from articles dated 1912.
MED1913Medline citation counts from articles dated 1913.
MED1914Medline citation counts from articles dated 1914.
MED1915Medline citation counts from articles dated 1915.
MED1916Medline citation counts from articles dated 1916.
MED1917Medline citation counts from articles dated 1917.
MED1918Medline citation counts from articles dated 1918.
MED1919Medline citation counts from articles dated 1919.
MED1920Medline citation counts from articles dated 1920.
MED1921Medline citation counts from articles dated 1921.
MED1922Medline citation counts from articles dated 1922.
MED1923Medline citation counts from articles dated 1923.
MED1924Medline citation counts from articles dated 1924.
MED1925Medline citation counts from articles dated 1925.
MED1926Medline citation counts from articles dated 1926.
MED1927Medline citation counts from articles dated 1927.
MED1928Medline citation counts from articles dated 1928.
MED1929Medline citation counts from articles dated 1929.
MED1930Medline citation counts from articles dated 1930.
MED1931Medline citation counts from articles dated 1931.
MED1932Medline citation counts from articles dated 1932.
MED1933Medline citation counts from articles dated 1933.
MED1934Medline citation counts from articles dated 1934.
MED1935Medline citation counts from articles dated 1935.
MED1936Medline citation counts from articles dated 1936.
MED1937Medline citation counts from articles dated 1937.
MED1938Medline citation counts from articles dated 1938.
MED1939Medline citation counts from articles dated 1939.
MED1940Medline citation counts from articles dated 1940.
MED1941Medline citation counts from articles dated 1941.
MED1942Medline citation counts from articles dated 1942.
MED1943Medline citation counts from articles dated 1943.
MED1944Medline citation counts from articles dated 1944.
MED1945Medline citation counts from articles dated 1945.
MED1946Medline citation counts from articles dated 1946.
MED1947Medline citation counts from articles dated 1947.
MED1948Medline citation counts from articles dated 1948.
MED1949Medline citation counts from articles dated 1949.
MED1950Medline citation counts from articles dated 1950.
MED1951Medline citation counts from articles dated 1951.
MED1952Medline citation counts from articles dated 1952.
MED1953Medline citation counts from articles dated 1953.
MED1954Medline citation counts from articles dated 1954.
MED1955Medline citation counts from articles dated 1955.
MED1956Medline citation counts from articles dated 1956.
MED1957Medline citation counts from articles dated 1957.
MED1958Medline citation counts from articles dated 1958.
MED1959Medline citation counts from articles dated 1959.
MED1960Medline citation counts from articles dated 1960.
MED1961Medline citation counts from articles dated 1961.
MED1962Medline citation counts from articles dated 1962.
MED1963Medline citation counts from articles dated 1963.
MED1964Medline citation counts from articles dated 1964.
MED1965Medline citation counts from articles dated 1965.
MED1966Medline citation counts from articles dated 1966.
MED1967Medline citation counts from articles dated 1967.
MED1968Medline citation counts from articles dated 1968.
MED1969Medline citation counts from articles dated 1969.
MED1970Medline citation counts from articles dated 1970.
MED1971Medline citation counts from articles dated 1971.
MED1972Medline citation counts from articles dated 1972.
MED1973Medline citation counts from articles dated 1973.
MED1974Medline citation counts from articles dated 1974.
MED1975Medline citation counts from articles dated 1975.
MED1976Medline citation counts from articles dated 1976.
MED1977Medline citation counts from articles dated 1977.
MED1978Medline citation counts from articles dated 1978.
MED1979Medline citation counts from articles dated 1979.
MED1980Medline citation counts from articles dated 1980.
MED1981Medline citation counts from articles dated 1981.
MED1982Medline citation counts from articles dated 1982.
MED1983Medline citation counts from articles dated 1983.
MED1984Medline citation counts from articles dated 1984.
MED1985Medline citation counts from articles dated 1985.
MED1986Medline citation counts from articles dated 1986.
MED1987Medline citation counts from articles dated 1987.
MED1988Medline citation counts from articles dated 1988.
MED1989Medline citation counts from articles dated 1989.
MED1990Medline citation counts from articles dated 1990.
MED1991Medline citation counts from articles dated 1991.
MED1992Medline citation counts from articles dated 1992.
MED1993Medline citation counts from articles dated 1993.
MED1994Medline citation counts from articles dated 1994.
MED1995Medline citation counts from articles dated 1995.
MED1996Medline citation counts from articles dated 1996.
MED1997Medline citation counts from articles dated 1997.
MED1998Medline citation counts from articles dated 1998.
MED1999Medline citation counts from articles dated 1999.
MED2000Medline citation counts from articles dated 2000.
MED2001Medline citation counts from articles dated 2001.
MED2002Medline citation counts from articles dated 2002.
MED2003Medline citation counts from articles dated 2003.
MED2004Medline citation counts from articles dated 2004.
MED2005Medline citation counts from articles dated 2005.
MED2006Medline citation counts from articles dated 2006.
MED2007Medline citation counts from articles dated 2007.
MED2008Medline citation counts from articles dated 2008.
MENU_PARENTLink information to Term Menu parent. This may not always be the same as the TermParent. Element will not exist for top level menus, e.g. cancer.
MENU_TYPEValues are Clinical Trials--Cancer Type, Clinical Trials--Drug, or Cancer Information.
MISOMedDRA Serial Code International SOC Sort Order Digit (01-26)
MMRMeSH revision date YYYYMMDD - date of the last major revision to the term's MeSH record.
MNMeSH hierarchical number for the concept in the MeSH tree structures. This number also appears in the HCD subelement of the REL and CXT elements.
MPSMedDRA primary SOC (PTs may have multiple treepositions, but each has a primary soc)
MRMajor revision date YYYYMMDD - date the Metathesaurus entry for the concept underwent any revision in content.
MSAMedDRA abbreviation
MSCMinimal Standard (Terminology) Class
MSPSPN Medical Specialty Panel (responsible for reviewing the product).
MTH_MAPFROMCOMPLEXITYIndicates the complexity of "from" expressions used in a map set
MTH_MAPFROMEXHAUSTIVEIndicates whether or not the "from" source of a map set is completely mapped
MTH_MAPSETCOMPLEXITYIndicates the overall complexity of a map set
MTH_MAPTOCOMPLEXITYIndicates the complexity of "to" expressions in a map set
MTH_MAPTOEXHAUSTIVEIndicates whether or not the "to" source is completely mapped
MTH_REFMetathesaurus form of references or citations related to a given atom or concept.
MTH_SOSMetathesaurus version of SOS
MTH_UMLSMAPSETSEPARATORThe character used in the UMLS Metathesaurus as a separator between the individual codes in the target codes field of the cross map targets to which a source is mapped.
MXRMedDRA cross reference to WHOART, COSTART, or ICD-9-CM
NATNeuronames Anatomy Type - indication of the type of anatomy represented by a Neuronames concept name.
NANeuronames Abbreviation - short abbreviation for a concept name in the Neuronames thesaurus.
NCI_IDNCI thesaurus concept id
NC_NAMENCI Concept Name
NDCNational Drug Code corresponding to a clinical drug (e.g. 66109-ABD-00)
NDF_GCN_SEQ_NUMBERNDF Generic Code Number (GCN) Sequence Number
NDF_TRANSMIT_TO_CMOPNDF Transmit to Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy (CMOP)
NFINational formulary indicator - "YES" or "NO" indicating whether a drug is in the VA's National Formulary
NF_INACTIVATENational Formulary Inactivation Date - the date a drug was removed from the VA's National Formulary
NF_NAMENational Formulary Name
NHNonHuman Flag - single character: Y. An indication that the concept does not apply to human beings, used only when the concept's Semantic type(s) could imply the contrary. For example, the concept BEAK and CLAW are assigned the Semantic type" Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component", but do not apply to human beings.
NSRNeuronames Species Restriction - indication that a Neuronames concept applies only to humans or only to macaques. Most Neuronames concepts apply to both and have no species restriction.
NSTNormalized strength and units for drugs with one active ingredient (e.g. 769 MG)
OLMeSH Online Note - information helpful to online searchers of MEDLINE, especially when the history of a term or cross-reference has implications for online searching. This is a potential source of useful information for rules for search interface programs.
ORIG_CODEOriginal code associated with this string
ORIG_SOURCEOriginal source associated with this string
ORIG_STYOriginal semantic type
ORIG_TTYOriginal term type
ORIG_VSABOriginal versioned source abbreviation
OUTCOME_EXAMPLESOutcome examples
OUTCOME_INDICATORSOutcome indicators
OUTCOME_STATEMENTOutcome statement
PARENT_CLASSVA Internal entry number of the parent class
PAPharmacologic Action of MeSH main headings (MH) for drugs and supplementary concept names (NM). The information in this element is also represented by an "isa" relationship between the MH or NM concept and the MeSH concept name for the class of drugs with a particular pharmacologic action.
PCLPharmacy Practice Activity Classification (PPAC) Category - all terms are assigned to one of five categories, which connote their hierarchy.
PDCSPN Product Device Class (level of CDRH regulation: class 1, 2, or 3).
PIMeSH heading or heading/subheading combination(s) followed by a date range in parentheses (YYYY).
PLRPharmacy Practice Activity Classification (PPAC) Last Revision Date (Format: M/DD/YY time)
PMPublic MeSH note - combines key information from the HN and PI elements in a format that is printed in the MeSH publications.
PRCProduct Third Party Review Code from SPN.
PREFERRED_NAMEPreferred name.
PREV_NAMEPrevious name
PREV_SYMBOLPrevious symbol
PRNVA print/label name
PTRSPN Product Tier (level of CDRH triage: 1, 2, 3, or E{xempt}).
PXCPDQ Protocol Exclusion Criteria - terms with type "exclusion criteria," which may be indexed on protocol records to identify conditions that exclude a patient from eligibility.
PYRPsychInfo year designation
QAMeSH Topical Qualifier Abbreviation - for MeSH subheadings (Term Type=TQ), an abbreviation that may be used in place of the full text of the abbreviation in searching on NLM's system and possibly on other systems offering NLM data.
RANKNCBI Rank (e.g. RANK[NCBI]species)
REFINABILITYIndicates whether it is possible or mandatory to refine the atom when this relationship is used as a template for clinical data entry.
REFReferences or citations related to a given atom or concept.
REMARKSSpecific coding instructions
RIDRead Codes Term_id - identifier assigned to a Read term, used in referring to the term in the Read file structure, and may be used in clinical information systems.
RNRegistry Number - series of numbers and hyphens (any leading zeros in an RN are dropped) or a series of numbers and periods, preceded by EC
RRThe Chemical Abstracts Registry numbers for salts, optical isomers, or isotope-labeled versions of the concept followed by the relationship of this RR to the RN (in parentheses.) Applies to chemicals only. These numbers can be used as links to information in a number of chemical and toxicological databases.
RXAUIRxNorm atom identifier for the atom it is connected to
RXCUIRxNorm concept identifier for the atom this is connected to
RXN_ACTIVATEDDate the RxNorm atom was reactivated
RXN_BN_CARDINALITYCardinality of RxNorm Brand Name Atom
RXN_IN_STRENGTH_FLAGStrength Expressed As Precise Flag
RXN_OBSOLETEDDate the RxNorm atom became obsolete
RXN_QUANTITYNormal Form quantity factor
RXODrug Description from NDF - R for Rx and O for OTC
RXRReplacement: cross reference from obsolete code to current code
SBSNOMED International subset indicator - valid values: * =can code using two T codes or G code for laterality B Bethesda system (Morphology); IC= ICDO (Oncology) related; N=Nursing; N* =Nursing, provisional; U=Ultrastructure (Morphology); V= Veterinary= V* =Veterinary AND can code using two T codes or G code for laterality (Topography)
SHFSNOMED Hospital Formulary Code - the American Hospital Formulary Code for a chemical contained in SNOMED International (e.g. 84:24:12)
SICSNOMED ICD9CM Reference - the ICD9CM code or codes listed as relevant to the meaning of the concept in SNOMED International.
SIDSecondary GO ID (e.g. GO:0020034)
SIGNIF_INTERACT_WITHSignificant interaction with
SMQ_ALGOStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Algorithm. Boolean expression of algorithm for the SMQ. "N" if the SMQ does not utilize an algorithm.
SMQ_LEVELStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Level. Value between 1 and 5 identifying the level of the SMQ within the hierarchy of SMQs; 1 is the most general, 5 is the most narrow.
SMQ_SOURCEStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Source. Source for the development of the SMQ, e.g. medical references.
SMQ_STATUSStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Status. "A" = active; "I" = inactive.
SMQ_TERM_ADDVERSIONStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Addition Version. Version of MedDRA in which term was added to the SMQ.
SMQ_TERM_CATStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Category. A single alphabetical letter indicating the category of the term for application of the SMQ algorithm. If the SMQ does not use algorithms, then all Term_category values are assigned "A." For a child SMQ, this field is assigned "S."
SMQ_TERM_LEVELStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Level. The MedDRA hierarchy level of a term (4=PT, 5=LLT) or 0 (zero) for a child SMQ.
SMQ_TERM_LMVERSIONStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Last Modified Version. Version of MedDRA in which term was last modified in the SMQ.
SMQ_TERM_SCOPEStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Scope. Defines the MedDRA term as a member of the broad scope (1), narrow scope (2) of the SMQ search, or a child SMQ (0) (zero).
SMQ_TERM_STATUSStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Status. Identifies a term as active ("A") or inactive ("I") within this SMQ.
SMQ_TERM_WEIGHTStandardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Weight. Used for some SMQ algorithms; "0" is used as default.
SMXSNOMED Multiaxial coding - an alphanumeric string that includes hyphens, parentheses, and sometimes ellipses.
SNGL_OR_MULT_SRC_PRDSingle or multi-source product
SNOMEDIDSNOMED RT identifier for a SNOMED CT concept
SOSScope Statement
SOURCE_UIUnique identifier from the source
SPL_SET_IDFDA Structured Product Label SET_ID code
SRCMeSH Literature source of chemical name - a citation to an article in a journal indexed for MEDLINE in which the chemical has been identified. (Note: Not to be confused with source abbreviation of SRC)
STConcept Attributes Status - valid values: R Reviewed, U Unreviewed
SUBSETCONTEXTIDSNOMED CT identifier of a subset
SUBSETLANGUAGECODESNOMED CT identifier of a language and, if appropriate, a dialect to which a subset applies.
SUBSETMEMBERIndicates the subset(s) to which an atom belongs and its status (e.g., active, inactive) in the subset(s).
SUBSETORIGINALIDSNOMED CT identifier for the first version of the subset on which this subset is based.
SUBSETREALMID"Realm" or context in which a SNOMED CT subset is used, e.g., nation, speciality, institution, etc. to which it applies. A four-character ISO6523 identifier followed by an optional series of concatenated subdivisions codes defined by the registered organization.
SUBSETTYPESingle digit integer indicating the nature of a SNOMED CT subset and the type of SNOMED CT component that may be a member of the subset. The meaning of the non-zero values can be found in the SNOMED CT documentation; a value of 0 is not defined as a type.
SUBSETVERSIONSNOMED CT identifier for the version of a subset. An integer increased for each revised release.
SWPSwiss Protein Number
SYCODESynonym Code
TARGETSCHEMEIDIdentifier for the target scheme in the map set. This may be an International Coding Scheme Identifier (ISO7826) or an Object Identifier (OID) used as specified by HL7.
TERMIDTerm identifier
TERMUITerm unique identifier
THMeSH Thesaurus ID - identifies thesauri other than MeSH in which the MeSH heading or cross-reference is included.
TORSABRoot source abbreviation for the "to" identifiers of a map set
TOVSABVersioned source abbreviation for the "to" identifiers of a map set
TRNTrade Name of Product
TYPEMultum Medical Supply Category (e.g. natural supplements)
UMLSRELAUMLS relationship attribute
UMLSRELThe UMLS Metathesaurus REL relationship (SY, CHD, NT, BT, RT) assigned to SNOMED CT relationship identifiers.
UNII_CODEFDA Unique Ingredient Identifier (UNII) Code
URLURL for corresponding health topic on MedlinePlus
UWTA semantic type provided from terms from the University of Washington Digital Anatomist
VACVA Class - the code of an NDF/HT drug class name (e.g. COD LIVER OIL (CHERRY FLAVOR) )
VA_CLASS_NAMEVA class name
VA_DISPENSE_UNITVA dispense unit
VA_GENERIC_NAMEVA generic name
VMOVA CMOP (central mail - order pharmacy) ID

COA   (Co-Occurrence Attribute)
<>No MeSH subheading (qualifier)
AAanalogs & derivatives
ADadministration & dosage
AEadverse effects
AHanatomy & histology
AIantagonists & inhibitors
AOin adolescence
AUin adulthood
BSblood supply
CFcerebrospinal fluid
CIchemically induced
CSchemical synthesis
DEdrug effects
DHdiet therapy
DTdrug therapy
DUdiagnostic use
GDgrowth & development
ICin infancy & childhood
IPisolation & purification
LJlegislation & jurisprudence
MYin middle age
OAin old age
OGorganization & administration
PCprevention & control
PRin pregnancy
REradiation effects
RIradionuclide imaging
SDsupply & distribution
SNstatistics & numerical data
TUtherapeutic use

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Last reviewed: 31 March 2008
Last updated: 31 March 2008
First published: 20 July 2004
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanent: Stable Content
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