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Topic: Home > News > News Photos

President Bush and Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan toss around a baseball for the press ..
President Bush and Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan toss around a baseball for the press during a visit to Camp David June 30, .. - 17.5KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush signs the tax bill on Thursday, June 7 in the White House.
President George W. Bush signs the tax bill on Thursday, June 7 in the White House. - 17.3KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush welcomes Nigerian President Olusegun Obsanjo and UN Secretary ..
President George W. Bush welcomes Nigerian President Olusegun Obsanjo and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan into Oval office .. 20010511-1b.html - 34.0KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush signs one of three proclamations designating new Marine National ..
Home > News & Policies > January 2009 President George W. Bush signs one of three proclamations .. 20090114_p010609cg-0204-515h.html - 9.8KB
14 Jan 09
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President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients
Home > News & Policies > January 2009 President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients Colombian .. 20090113-7_p011309jb-0151-515h.html - 11.4KB
13 Jan 09
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President Bush Meets with President Calderón of Mexico
Home > News & Policies > January 2009 President Bush Meets with President Calderón of Mexico President George W. Bush .. 20090113-4_z4g9511-515h.html - 11.2KB
13 Jan 09
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President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients
Home > News & Policies > January 2009 President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients President .. 20090113-7_p011309cg-0327-515h.html - 11.5KB
13 Jan 09
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President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients
Home > News & Policies > January 2009 President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients Former Prime .. 20090113-7_p011309cg-0334-515h.html - 11.5KB
13 Jan 09
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President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients
Home > News & Policies > January 2009 President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients President .. 20090113-7_p011309cg-0452-515h.html - 11.1KB
13 Jan 09
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President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients
Home > News & Policies > January 2009 President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients President ... 20090113-7_p011309cg-0441-515h.html - 11.2KB
13 Jan 09
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