National Institute for Literacy

[NIFL-WORKPLACE] online journal seeks reviewers, manuscripts

brownpg at brownpg at
Fri Sep 3 15:22:44 EDT 2004

Last year, the Workforce Improvement Network at James
Madison University received funding to research the
feasibility of publishing an online journal for adult and
workforce education. This year, Win received funding from
the Virginia Department of Education to make that journal a

The online journal will be a peer-reviewed quarterly
publication that will support adult and workplace education
professionals by providing access to the latest information
and research relating to the theory and best practices for
English as a Second Language, GED Preparation, and Adult
Basic Education instruction and program management both at
the workplace and off-site.

We have set high standards for this journal. We see it as
being the Internet resource for adult and workforce
educators, program managers, human resource development and
training professionals, and college and university program
personnel. We are seeking articles on theory and best
practices and literature reviews that will provide our
audience with the latest information and research that will
help them grow professionally. Our main criteria are that
articles are clearly written, present current information
and/research in adult and workforce information, and are
backed by sound evaluation and statistics.

With the debut issue scheduled for late Fall 2004, we are
seeking adult and workforce education program managers,
academic program directors and faculty, and human resource
development professionals to submit manuscripts and to serve
on the journal editorial board.

We have set a tentative publication schedule as November
2004, February 2005, April 2005, and June 2005. Articles
that relate to the theory, best practices, and research in
the areas of workplace education, English as a Second
Language education an acquisition, adult basic education,
and GED learning in the workplace are needed for all issues.
We prefer manuscripts of 5,000 words or less. Longer
manuscripts will be considered and may be serialized.

Send manuscripts as a Word attachment to Pamela G. Brown,
editor, at brownpg at along with a 50- to 100- word bio
and contact information.

Please note that submissions will only be accepted
electronically. While we are accepting manuscripts for all
issues at this time, the deadline for the premiere issue
(November 200) is September 15.

In addition, we need experts in these areas to review
submitted manuscripts for content. Our plan is to establish
four editorial review teams, one for each issue, of five
reviewers to read submissions. If you are interested in
serving on an editorial team, please send your name, contact
information (email address, mailing address, and phone
number), and resume or vita to Pamela Brown at the above
email address. Deadline for applying is September 15, 2004,
and we will notify you of the complete editorial board teams
by September 30, 2004.
Pamela Greenhalgh Brown
Associate Director
Workforce Improvement Network
James Madison University
MSC 9003/Blue Ridge Hall
Harrisonburg, VA 22840
540-568-2933 (fax)

"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it." -- Goethe

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