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For Immediate Release
February 9, 2004
Contact: George Smaragdis
Bob Biersack
Ian Stirton
Kelly Huff

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Election Commission has recently made public its final action on one matter previously under review (MURs). This release contains only disposition information.

1. MUR 4831/5274  
  RESPONDENTS: (a) Missouri Democratic State Committee, Michael Kelley, treasurer

(b) Nixon Campaign Fund, John C. Lanham, treasurer

(c) Jeremiah W. ("Jay") Nixon

(d) Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, James Jordan, treasurer

  COMPLAINANTS: MUR 4831 John Hancock, Executive Director, Missouri Republican Party /MUR 5274 Internal
  SUBJECT: Excessive contributions; failure to redesignate contributions; failure to file 48 hour notices
  DISPOSITION: (a) Conciliation Agreement: $16,000 civil penalty

The Missouri Democratic State Committee (MDSC) violated the Act by failing to report contributions earmarked for Jeremiah Nixon. MDSC also violated the law by failing to forward the contributions to the Nixon Campaign Fund (NCF). Finally MDSC violated the Act by making excessive coordinated party expenditures for Nixon.

(b) Conciliation Agreement: $9,500 civil penalty

NCF violated the Act by accepting approximately $7,750 in excessive contributions and failing to report its receipt of earmarked contributions. NCF will exercise reasonable efforts to refund contributions totaling $7,750.

(c) Take no action

(d) Take no further action

  DOCUMENTS ON PUBLIC RECORD: Documents from this matter are available from the Commission’s web site at fec.gov by entering 4831 or 5274 under case number. They are also available in the FECs Public Records Office at 999 E St. NW in Washington.


*There are four administrative stages to the FEC enforcement process:

1. Receipt of proper complaint 3. "Probable cause" stage
2. "Reason to believe" stage 4. Conciliation stage

It requires the votes of at least four of the six Commissioners to take any action. The FEC can close a case at any point after reviewing a complaint. If a violation is found and conciliation cannot be reached, then the FEC can institute a civil court action against a respondent.

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