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NPD 1350.3A
Effective Date: November 06, 2006
Expiration Date: November 06, 2011
Printable Format (PDF)

(NASA Only)

Subject: Strategic Alliances: Building Partnership to Achieve NASA's Mission and Goals

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief of Strategic Communications


a. Purpose: The Agency may enter into strategic alliances defined as unfunded collaborations with private organizations for the primary purpose of distributing information about NASA missions, goals, projects, and programs. For NASA to enter into a strategic alliance under this directive, the following requirements must be satisfied:

(1) The collaboration is in the best interest of NASA and the U.S. Government.

(2) The image and reputation of the collaborating organization must complement NASA's values, and the collaboration enhances NASA's ability to reach new or broader target audiences.

(3) Products or services of a collaborating organization with which NASA chooses to associate represent an image that is appropriate for NASA to convey.

(4) The collaboration is consistent with applicable statutes, policies, and regulations.

b. Guidelines: Strategic alliances can result either from unsolicited proposals or proposals sought through a NASA solicitation known as a Request for Entrepreneurial Offer (REO). Once proposals are received, the originating NASA office will evaluate proposals, make a selection for possible negotiation, and forward it to the Chief of Strategic Communications, or his or her designee. All preliminary discussions with prospective partners should be concurred upon by the Chief of Strategic Communications, or his or her designee. All REOs and all selected proposals must be reviewed, coordinated, and concurred upon by the Chief of Strategic Communications, or his or her designee, to ensure the highest value of the alliances to NASA and to avoid redundancies and conflicts. In addition, REOs that have been concurred upon by the Office of Strategic Communications must be reviewed by the Office of General Counsel to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

c. The criteria for evaluating a proposed strategic alliance to be in the best interest of NASA and the U.S. Government are as follows:

(1) The amount of NASA information ("real estate") that appears on, in, or associated with the consumer product or through a service is an amount significant enough to merit the product or service being used as an information dissemination method.

(2) The amount and type of NASA information available on the product or through a service aids the audience in understanding NASA, the U.S. Space Program, or U.S. Government activities.

(3) The information conveyed is scientifically accurate and engages the audience in the Vision for Space Exploration, or NASA's space, exploration, aeronautics, or science research agenda.

(4) The experience of the collaborator in providing the product or service being considered is clearly demonstrated, and the financial security of the collaborator is dependable and strong.

(5) The product or service does not condone or endorse activities that are contrary to U.S. laws or policies.

(6) The in-kind value offered by the collaborator to NASA should be an adequate quid pro quo in light of the NASA purpose to be served, the NASA resources to be committed, and the value offered by NASA to the partner.

(7) Other factors, unique to a particular product or service, that support a NASA mission need.

d. NASA may offer limited exclusivity to a potential collaborator in a particular category of product or service, if in doing so, a mutually beneficial strategic alliance may result. This limited exclusivity may be for a particular time period or event, as appropriate to either the Agency or the collaborator, and would be determined by the commensurate value offered by the collaborator. Limited exclusivity requires approval by the Chief of Strategic Communications, or his or her designee, and by the Office of General Counsel for compliance to laws and regulations.

e. Activities of NASA personnel assisting in the implementation of the collaboration should be consistent with and reflected in their official duties.

f. An agreement by NASA to collaborate under this policy does not waive the individual privacy or publicity rights of NASA civil service personnel or contractor employee(s) whose images or names are contemplated for use in association with a collaboration. NASA employee images and names may not be used to endorse or imply an endorsement of a product or service.

g. All collaborations for dissemination of NASA information under this directive requires compliance with NASA policies governing the use of the NASA name, initials, insignia, logotype and other identifiers and other applicable policies.

h. Proposals approved or permitted under the policy shall not be construed as official NASA approval, endorsement, or support of the product or service. Statements by a collaborator, in promotions and advertisements or on its products or services concerning its affiliation with NASA, shall be coordinated with the Headquarters Office of Public Affairs.


This directive applies to all organizational elements at NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers.


a. 42 U.S.C Section 2473 (c)(5), Section 203 (c)(5) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act, as amended.

b. 14 CFR Part 1221, NASA Seal, NASA Insignia, NASA Logotype, NASA Program Identifiers, NASA Flags, and the Agency's Unified Visual Communications System.


NPD 1050.1F, Authority to Enter into Space Act Agreements.


a. For the purposes of this directive, the Chief of Strategic Communications, or his or her designee, in consultation with the NASA General Counsel, or his or her designee, are responsible for the following:

(1) Developing, managing, and implementing this NPD.

(2) Providing leadership for strategic alliances for the Agency.

(3) Coordinating requests for strategic alliances initiated by other NASA organizations and offices to meet Agency mission needs and to efficiently use Agency assets. This coordination has two main purposes: One, concurrence on REOs and selected proposals will avoid project conflicts in a particular category or type of a product or service, such as toys, quick service restaurant or internet provider, for the same time period and purpose; Two, concurrence enables the Agency to maintain the value and integrity of the NASA name, initials, insignia, logotype, and other identifiers.

(4) Reviewing and concurring upon selected proposals and the negotiated agreements to innovatively disseminate NASA information or achieve Agency goals through consumer products and services.

b. Associate Administrators, Assistant Administrators, Institutional Program Officers, and Center Directors, or their designees, are responsible for the following:

(1) Ensuring that all REOs for strategic alliances and all selected proposals for agreement negotiations are forwarded promptly to the Chief of Strategic Communications, or their designees, for concurrence.

(2) Negotiating terms with prospective collaborator(s).

(3) Ensuring all other concurrences are received on drafted agreements, such as other affected offices and the Office of the General Counsel.

(4) Following delegation of authority for signing final agreements for approved strategic alliances.

(5) Ensuring proper implementation of NASA responsibilities as outlined in signed agreements.




The means of measuring compliance with this policy shall be the annual audits, which also would include the number of proposals received by the Agency for innovative methods of disseminating NASA information by means of consumer products and services, the number of proposals accepted, the number of collaborations signed, and the estimated value of the in-kind offer. Additionally, metrics available from the collaborator, such as demographics and frequency of audiences reached, including those that are outcome focused, are encouraged to be developed and reported as part of the agreement terms that are worked between parties.


NPD 1350.3 dated September 21, 2006

/s/ Michael Griffin
Administrator (Revalidated November 6, 2006 with administrative changes)



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