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Directives: 1000s | 2000s | 3000s | 4000s | 5000s | 6000s | 7000s | 8000s
9000-9799 | 9800-9999 | Library | Search |

Directive ID Subject Expiration Date
NPD 5000.2A Uniform Methodology For Determination Of Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Goals (Revalidated as is 06/09/2005) June 14, 2010
NPR 5100.4B Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (NASA/FAR Supplement) [48 CFR 1800-1899] (REVALIDATED 9/16/2008) December 31, 2013
NPD 5101.1E Requirements for Legal Review of Procurement Matters July 11, 2012
NPD 5101.32D Procurement (Revalidated 3/6/08) April 14, 2013
NPR 5101.33A Procurement Advocacy Programs w/Change 2 (10/04/04), Revalidated 2/25/05 May 19, 2010
NPR 5200.1D Industrial Labor Relations Manual (Revalidated May 31, 2007 with admin. changes) July 8, 2012
NPR 5800.1E Grant And Cooperative Agreement Handbook (14 CFR 1260) March 31, 2011
NPR 5810.1 Standard Format for NASA Research Announcements (NRAs) and other Announcements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements October 18, 2009
NPR 5900.1 NASA Spare Parts Acquisition w/Change 2 (12/19/08) December 31, 2013

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