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For Immediate Release: Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Contact: Glen   Sears 2022252865

House Passes Second AMT Relief Bill

Moore urges Senate, President to support bill that complies with PAYGO

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Congressman Dennis Moore (Third District -- Kansas) joined his colleagues in the House to pass fiscally responsible legislation that provides Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) relief and adheres to the “Pay As You Go” (PAYGO) standard of fiscal discipline. This is the second time in the last few weeks that the House has passed an AMT ‘patch’ that is fully paid for and, therefore, would not pass on debt to future generations.

“The House has already proven that we can provide AMT relief and adhere to PAYGO,” said Moore. “Unfortunately, instead of paying for an AMT bill today, the Administration and the Republicans in the Senate would rather pass the cost on to future generations.”

H.R. 4351, the Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act, would protect 23 million middle-class families, including over 62,000 from the Third District, from being hit by the AMT. Without changes to current law, the basic AMT exemption levels for tax year 2007 are scheduled to fall to $45,000 for joint returns and $35,750 for single taxpayers.

Created in 1969, the AMT was originally designed to prevent high-income taxpayers from escaping their share of the income tax burden; however, because the tax isn't indexed for inflation, there has been a significant increase in the number of middle to upper-middle income taxpayers adversely affected by the AMT. And, unfortunately, many taxpayers are not even aware of the AMT or how it might affect them.

“Setting budget priorities is often a difficult and challenging process,” Moore said. “We can, however, provide AMT relief in a fiscally-responsible way. I urge the Senate to pass legislation that does just that.”

H.R. 4351, which was passed by the House with a 226-193 vote, now moves to the Senate for consideration.

AUDIO: Listen to Rep. Moore at a press conference on the AMT bill.
