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For Immediate Release: Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Contact: Christie   Appelhanz (913) 383-2013

Moore introduces health insurance bill to benefit small businesses

Legislation creates tax incentives for businesses to provide coverage

(OVERLAND PARK, KAN.) – In an effort to address the rising cost of health insurance, Congressman Dennis Moore (Third District – Kansas) introduced legislation to create tax incentives for small businesses that provide health insurance.

“This week is ‘Cover the Uninsured Week,’ and the problem of working Americans without affordable health insurance continues to grow,” Moore said. “Small business owners have consistently told me that footing the bill for health insurance benefits is one of their most pressing challenges. Addressing these concerns is the right thing to do for businesses and the right thing to do for small business employees in Kansas.”

Moore’s bill, H.R. 2002, would provide:

  • A tax credit of up to 30 percent for small business employers;
  • An additional tax credit for businesses if they join a Health Benefit Purchasing Coalition which will allow small businesses to negotiate with insurers and benefit from economies of scale, just as large companies do;
  • $100 million per year for five years for state grant programs that expand health insurance to the uninsured through market innovations;
  • $5 million per year over 5 years for projects to promote information about health benefits to small business owners.

The bill is targeted to areas of the greatest need -- businesses that want to provide health insurance, but cannot because of the cost. Currently, over half of America’s uninsured workers are self-employed or work for a small business with fewer than 50 employees.

Moore will discuss the bill on Monday, May 9th, at his Kansas Small Business Resources Conference at the Reardon Convention Center located at 500 Minnesota, in Kansas City, Kan. The conference will provide an overview of resources available in the Kansas City area to small businesses, including special presentations on: competing for federal contracts, health insurance for small businesses, and human resources issues. Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger is among the presenters, and new Wyandotte County Unified Government Mayor/CEO Joe Reardon will make welcoming remarks.

A $20 registration fee includes continental breakfast and a boxed lunch. Advance registration with a credit card is required. Call Moore’s Overland Park office at 913-383-2013 to register, or if you have questions.
