Congressman Moore > RSS

Subscribe to Congressman Moore's RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to get news from the Kansas Third District delivered directly to your desktop.

What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based format for sharing and syndicating Web content, such as news headlines. With an RSS reader, you can view data feeds from various news sources, including news releases from the office of Congressman Dennis Moore.

How do I use RSS?

One way of accessing RSS content is through the use of a "news aggregator." There are both free and commercial New Aggregators available for download. These aggregators can either be "stand alone" programs or services offered by web sites.

A second way that many people use RSS feeds is by adding their content to weblogs or "blogs."

In order to add Congressman Moore's RSS feed to your news aggregator or weblog please cut and paste the following url.