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For Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Contact: Christie   Appelhanz (913) 383-2013

It's about values: tax relief for Kansas Families

“It’s about values: tax relief for Kansas families”

On June 9, I sponsored important legislation that would help each and every parent pay their bills during this time of financial uncertainty. H.R. 2392 would restore the child tax credit to working families, and it is the House version of a bill passed by the Senate last week on a vote of 94-2.

If the House passes my bill without amendment, it would immediately go to the President for his signature. President Bush has asked Congress to act on this bill now.

My bill would fully restore those provisions of the President’s tax cut that were stripped out by the House leadership in order to make room for a larger dividend and capital gains tax cut.

This bill would restore the child tax credit to the families of over 12 million children nationwide, 1 million of whom have parents serving in the military. In Kansas, this bill will assist over 162,000 children and their families who have received this credit since 1997 – a credit which was taken from them by the leadership in the House.

These families earn between $10,500 and $26,625 per year. They work hard to raise their children – and helping hard-working families make ends meet and raise their kids is the goal of the child tax credit.

This bill is not about welfare. This bill is about helping working families who pay taxes to receive tax relief. This bill is about fairness for all families and children.

My bill is about our priorities; and our priorities reflect our values.

Taking the child tax credit away from hard-working Kansans doesn’t represent Kansas values. It isn’t compassionate. It isn’t fair. And it isn’t right. Congress should respond to the President’s call and pass my bill, H.R. 2392, now.

My bill will help parents struggling to make ends meet. They will use the additional $400-per-child tax cut to buy clothes or shoes or books for their kids – helping their families and providing an immediate boost to our economy at the same time.

I’m grateful that the Senate recognized this injustice and, last week, restored to these working families the assistance and opportunity they’ve received for over 5 years.

I’m also grateful that the President has called on the House to quickly pass the Senate bill – exactly mirroring my bill – so he could sign it into law and these families can receive their credit this summer.

I’m disappointed that the House leadership refuses to promptly pass this bill. Instead, they want to use it to pass even larger tax cuts for special interests – reportedly up to $100 billion in additional tax cuts that are not paid for.

This is Washington politics-as-usual at its worst.

It’s my job to fight for Kansas values in Congress—and I intend to keep fighting for hard-working Kansas families who need and deserve this support.

Congressman Dennis Moore represents Kansas’ Third U.S. Congressional District, which includes Johnson and Wyandotte Counties, as well as part of Douglas County. Rep. Moore has offices in Overland Park, Kansas City, Lawrence, and Washington, D.C. The Congressman’s website is, and his local office can be reached at 931-383-2013.
