Newsroom > Moore From The Hill

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Contact: Dennis   Moore (913) 383-2013

Moore From the Hill: Lead Safety Awareness

In addition to the very long list of tasks that are part of the holiday season, parents and grandparents (like myself) now have the additional responsibility of trying to keep track of countless toy and product recalls so we can keep our families safe. It seems that almost everyday brings a new recall or warning. In fact, 21 million imported toys have been recalled this year!

Imports of consumer goods to our country have increased by 338% since 1974, the year the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) was created. Yet the budget for that agency today is less than half what it was in that year. Our children deserve better. We should be doing all we can to ensure that safe toys, safe food, and safe medicine are available to our children.

That is why I am a co-sponsor of H.R. 3691, the Safety Assurance for Every (SAFE) Consumer Product Act. This bill includes five important new regulations; it will: ban lead from children’s products and paint; require that the testing of children’s products is done in independent, third-party labs; enhance the recall authority of the CPSC to ensure all consumers learn about recalls quickly; provide the CPSC with the resources they need to ensure the effective testing of toys (incredibly, there is currently only one toy tester employed by the CPSC); and expand civil and criminal penalties for companies that break the law.

In addition, I hope you will keep these precautions in mind to ensure a safe and fun holiday season for your family:

  • ensure you are buying age-appropriate toys, as choking and splintering can be bigger dangers than lead;
  • stay aware of new recalls by checking the internet or subscribing to an email notification list, such as those offered at or;
  • know the signs of lead poisoning and contact a doctor if you have questions (more information can be found at; and
  • submit any existing toys you are concerned about and would like tested to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). You can reach them at or 866-865-3233.

Please consider sharing this information with your friends, family, neighbors, and other community members. And, as always, I hope you will contact me at 913-383-2013 or via my website to share your thoughts and concerns about this, or any other federal issue that is important to you.

My best wishes for a safe and peaceful holiday season!
