John Culberson United States Congressman John Culberson 7th District of Texas
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Congressman Culberson visits Texas Children's Hospital in the Texas Medical Center. L-R: Bruce LaBoon, Trustee; Congressman Culberson; Dr. Ralph Feigin, Physician-in-chief; Mark Wallace, President and CEO. (5/16/08)
Congressman Culberson meets with the Houston Associaton of Realtors. (5/15/08)
Congressman Culberson meets with the Texas Orthopaedic Association. (5/1/08)
Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) and Congressman Culberson welcome Ireland's Prime Minister Bertie Ahern to the U.S. House of Representatives. (4/30/08)
Congressman Culberson meets with members of the American Heart Association. (4/29/08)
Congressman Culberson meets with members of the National Breast Cancer Coalition. (4/29/08)
Congressman Culberson congratulations Dr. Michael DeBakey at his Congressional Gold Medal ceremony. (4/23/08)
Congressman Culberson congratulations Dr. Michael DeBakey at his Congressional Gold Medal ceremony. (4/23/08)
The Texas Delegation meets with Dr. Michael DeBakey, who was honored at the Capitol at his Congressional Gold Medal ceremony. (4/23/08)
Congressman Culberson meets with members of Houston's Association for Jewish Families and Children Agencies. (4/20/08)
Congressman Culberson tours Art Storey Park along Brays Bayou, with Mike Talbott, Director of Harris County Flood Control District; Raouf Farid, HCFCD Project Manager; and Captain David Bryant, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Project Manager for the Federal Brays Bayou Project. (4/18/08).
Congressman Culberson congratulates 2008 Congressional Art Competition Winner Amanda Poerschke, her father Mr. Poerschke, and her art teacher Janice Stiffel. (4/14/2008)
thumbnail image: Texas Children's Hospitalthumbnail image: Houston Associaton of Realtorsthumbnail image: Texas Orthopaedic Associationthumbnail image: Bertie Ahernthumbnail image: American Heart Associationthumbnail image: National Breast Cancer Coalition
thumbnail image: Dr. Michael DeBakeythumbnail image: Dr. Michael DeBakeythumbnail image: Dr. Michael DeBakeythumbnail image: Association for Jewish Families and Childrenthumbnail image: Brays Bayouthumbnail image: Rep. Culberson with Art Winner Amanda Poerschke
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