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House Democrats
Washington Office
Congresswoman Maloney
2332 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515-3214
202.225.7944 phone
202.225.4709 fax

Manhattan Office
Congresswoman Maloney
1651 3rd Avenue Suite 311
New York, NY 10128-3679
212-860-0606 phone
212-860-0704 fax

Queens Office
Congresswoman Maloney
28-11 Astoria Blvd.
Astoria, NY 11102-1933
718-932-1804 phone
718-932-1805 fax

Press Release

For Immediate Release
September 17, 2008
Contact: Jon Houston, (202) 225-7944
Rep. Maloney's Statement on financial turmoil
AIG Bailout, SEC action on short-selling, long-term regulatory reform

Washington, D.C. -- Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney issued the following statement on the the financial turmoil permeating the markets:

 "I'm glad that Secretary Paulson saw fit to prevent the bankruptcy of AIG and help preserve the thousands of jobs at stake in New York and around the world."

"But $85 billion is a mind-boggling amount to ask taxpayers to bear. We on the House Financial Services Committee will be holding a series of hearings at the request of Speaker Pelosi to demand answers about how we got here and how to prevent a recurrence."

"I applaud the SEC for finally issuing regulations today to stiffen its rules against 'naked' short-selling. Many insiders believe the shorts have played a major role in bringing about our current crisis."

"But the government's regulatory mechanisms are clearly too segmented and too archaic to properly oversee all of these financial products which straddle many categories of securities."

"I agree with Paul Volcker and Nicholas Brady that we need basic, long-term reform of the financial system. Clearly that's now at the top of the agenda for for Chairman Frank and those of us on the House Financial Services Committee."

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