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Press Release

For Immediate Release
January 09, 2007
Contact: Afshin Mohamadi (Maloney)
Ari Goldberg (Nadler)
Rohit Mahajan (Crowley)
Israel Klein (Markey)
Sarah Moore (Shays)
Ryan McConaghy (Hall)
The First 100 Hours: Stronger National Security
9/11 Families Join Bipartisan Members to Express Optimism About Implementation of 9/11 Commission Recommendations
WASHINGTON, DC – As the House of Representatives considered comprehensive legislation to implement the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations, leading bipartisan Members of Congress joined with 9/11 family members today to reiterate the importance of the legislation for America’s national security. H.R. 1 is part of the Democrats’ First 100 Hours agenda, which addresses a number of core issues for all Americans, from national security to education to health care.

Among other provisions, H.R. 1 aims to strengthen security by:

  • providing fairer funding for first responders in the most targeted communities,
  • implementing 100% screening of air cargo,
  • implementing 100% screening of cargo coming in to U.S. ports,
  • preventing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism, and
  • expanding the U.S.’s diplomatic outreach.

Members of Congress who spoke at the press conference today were Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), co-chair of the 9/11 Commission Caucus; Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA), author of air and cargo security legislation; Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), author of port security legislation; Rep. Christopher Shays (R-CT), co-chair of the 9/11 Commission Caucus; Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY), a longtime champion of high-threat first responder funding and relative of a 9/11 victim; and Rep. John Hall (D-NY), a new Member from New York State.

Representing 9/11 families were a number of 9/11 family members who were integral to passing the landmark intelligence reform bill in 2004. They included Mary Fetchet, mother of 9/11 victim Brad Fetchet and Founding Director and President of Voices of September 11th; Carie Lemack, daughter of 9/11 victim Judy Larocque and co-founder and president of Families of September 11; Carol Ashley, mother of 9/11 victim Janice Ashley and family advisory member for Voices of September 11th; Frank Fetchet, father of 9/11 victim Brad Fetchet and family advisory member for Voices of September 11th; Abraham Scott, husband of 9/11 Pentagon victim Janice; and Rosemary Dillard, wife of 9/11 Pentagon victim Eddie A. Dillard.

“The 9/11 Commission gave us a blueprint for better security, which was not meant to sit on a shelf and collect dust,” said Rep. Maloney. “With this legislation, Congress accomplishes more for security in less than a week than it previously could accomplish in more than two years. This is a critical part of the First 100 Hours agenda, and it will make our country safer.”

“I am pleased to see Speaker Pelosi's stated commitment to bipartisanship,” said Rep. Shays. “Today's action is an important step toward fully implementing the 9/11 Commission's recommendations. I look forward to continuing to work with Congresswoman Maloney, the Commission and family members to ensure the new law achieves the goal of making our country safer.”

“The vulnerability of both air and maritime cargo to terrorist attack is well known,” said Rep. Markey. “Most of the 6 billion pounds of cargo carried on passenger planes every year is loaded onboard without being scanned for liquid, plastic, or conventional explosives.  And most of the maritime cargo containers bound for the U.S. are not scanned for nuclear bombs before being loaded onto boats. We know that such unscanned cargo is a serious security weakness. Today Democrats are putting forward a new air cargo and port security policy that reflects the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission and requires all cargo on passenger planes and all containers entering our ports to be scanned.”

“The experts agree that our ports are vulnerable to terrorist attacks, and the Bush Administration has failed to take the threat seriously,” said Rep. Nadler. “Today, the Democratic Congress is strengthening port security with common sense measures to protect Americans, such as requiring that 100% of cargo containers be screened for nuclear and bomb-making materials before they are put on a ship bound for the United States.”

“These critical measures that will greatly improve the preparedness of our vulnerable American cities are long overdue,” said Rep. Crowley. “Democrats today will make American families safer by implementing the unfulfilled recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. High risk areas like New York will be better prepared with this additional funding to fight the threat of deadly terrorism. Our first responders will be better equipped and trained, and our nation more secure with this key legislation. I am proud to join my colleagues, and be joined by individuals, who like myself, lost a family member in the terrorist attacks of September 11th, in support of this important legislation that will improve the way Homeland Security grants are allocated.”

“My state of New York has already experienced the brutal realities of terrorist attacks and remains a top target nationwide,” said Rep. Hall.  “In my district alone there is the Indian Point nuclear power plant, which is 35 miles away from New York City, as well as military facilities including West Point, and major highways and rail lines.  The federal government needs to provide the bulk of anti-terror resources to protect targets like this in the New York City area and Hudson Valley.  Today’s legislation will allow it to do just that.”

“More than 5 years after 9/11, our country remains at risk,” said 9/11 family member Mary Fetchet. “This critical legislation is an important step forward in making our country safer. We are grateful to the 110th Congress for making homeland security a priority and look forward to working with all members of Congress to ensuring full implementation of the 9/11 Commission recommendations.”

“We are thrilled that Congress has committed to implement all of the 9/11 Commission's outstanding recommendations,” said 9/11 family member Carie Lemack. “The terrorist threat has not diminished five years after 9/11 – al Qaeda has repeatedly declared their intention to use nuclear weapons to kill four million innocent Americans. We look forward to working with Congress and the President as they take the necessary steps to implement in full the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations, making the country safer and more secure.”

“It is encouraging that the 110th Congress has focused on implementing the 9/11 Commission recommendations,” said 9/11 family member Carol Ashley. “We are more vulnerable than we should be.  Passing this legislation will be a positive first step. The next step must be rigorous Congressional oversight to ensure full compliance. Government entities responsible for our security must be held accountable for their performance. The American people depend on our government to keep us safe. The decisions of this Congress will determine the quality of security which protects us all.”

“The world we live in changed on 9/11 and it is now five and half years later and the 9/11 Commission Report is still not completely enacted,” said 9/11 family member Rosemary Dillard. “We live in a global society that must be protected. The 9/11 Commission declared 41 recommendations for America to be safeguarded, to protect our borders and, most importantly, to ensure that all intelligence agencies are sharing information. It is so important that this Congress has placed these recommendations on the front burner. I am sure that all Americans will be supporting their efforts to make America safe.”

“As I painfully reflect upon the untimely and tragic death of my wife Janice five years ago in the Pentagon on 9/11, I now feel that my prayers have been answered after the House has decided to take steps that are long overdue to enact the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission to make this country safer from terrorism,” said 9/11 family member Abraham Scott.
