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110th Congress
Congressman McCarthy Praises Edwards Runway Funding
Authored By:
Nick Bouknight
(202) 225-2915

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Kevin McCarthy is pleased to announce that the House of Representatives passed $6,000,000 in funding to complete the main base runway at Edwards Air Force Base. By fully funding the final phase of the Edwards runway project this year, the government will save over $4,000,000 by taking action now since a temporary runway will not need to be reconstituted, while also ensuring that our military infrastructure is able to support ongoing operations, and future operations. Congressman McCarthy issued the following statement praising the funding, while also calling on Congress to fix a broken earmark process:

“This common-sense funding to complete the main base runway at Edwards not only avoids unnecessary additional spending and saves taxpayers millions of dollars, it also ensures we have the defense infrastructure in place to strengthen our national security.

“While it is necessary to continue to request funding for our military bases to strengthen our national security, I believe that Washington is broken and reform is still needed to fix the way Congress spends taxpayer money. That is why I only requested funding this year that strengthens our country’s national security, like funding to complete the runway at Edwards Air Force Base. I continue to fight for real earmark reform in Congress because fixing a broken Washington is not a red issue, or blue issue, it’s a red, white, and blue issue that all Americans can agree on.”

With passage of the Military Construction bill today, the bill now must be voted on in the Senate. The Senate Appropriations Committee passed their version of the funding bill on July 17.


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