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110th Congress
House Honors Taft Hero Larry Pierce
Authored By:
Nick Bouknight
(202) 225-2915

WASHINGTON – Today, legislation (S. 2110) that honors Staff Sergeant Larry Pierce by naming the postal facility located at 427 North Street in Taft, California as the “Larry S. Pierce Post Office” cleared a final hurdle in Congress and is on its way to the President’s desk.  The bill passed the House by a vote of 388 – 0.

As the original sponsor of the House version of this legislation, Congressman McCarthy spoke on the House floor earlier this afternoon in strong support of the bill.  McCarthy also issued the following statement commending Congress’ action to honor Larry Pierce, a local and national hero:

“I am proud to have worked with Senator Feinstein and the City of Taft to help move this legislation that honors Staff Sergeant Larry Pierce, an American hero. On September 20, 1965, he sacrificed his own life by throwing himself on an antipersonnel mine as it exploded to save the lives of his fellow soldiers.  Today, more than ever, it is important to remember the heroes, past and present, who sacrifice to protect our freedoms and defend our country.  Naming the post office in his hometown is a fitting tribute to Larry Pierce, whose life and sacrifice epitomizes the spirit of bravery and courage that is uniquely American.” 

In February 1966, President Lyndon Johnson awarded Staff Sergeant Larry Pierce the Congressional Medal of Honor. The Congressional Medal of Honor citation recognizes Staff Sergeant Pierce’s “extraordinary heroism, at the cost of his life.”  He would have been 67 years old this year, and is survived by his wife, Verlin, who currently lives in Bakersfield and his three children, Teresa, Kelley, and Gregory.

On November 16, 2007, the Senate passed S. 2110 by unanimous consent.  With House passage today, the bill now heads to the President’s desk for his signature, where it is expected to be signed this week.


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