Workshops and On-Site Visits

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Wireless Communications

Key words: cellular telephone, health effects, nonionizing radiation

The question of whether or not brain cancer can result from exposure to emissions from cellular telephones continues to be of public concern. OST has taken the lead for the FDA on this issue. Discussions have been held with industry, including meetings with Motorola and with Wireless Technologies Research (WTR), L.L.C. to review research programs, along with other concerned agencies. These meetings with industry have provided the means for the Federal agencies to have constructive input into the industry-sponsored programs, as was directed by a recent GAO report. Currently, OST is coordinating the review activities of the RF Interagency Work Group chaired by EPA.

Bioelectromagnetics Society Workshop

Key words: magnetic fields, ELF-EMF, biological effects

OST sponsored the "Physical Characteristics and Possible Biological Effects of Microwaves Applied in Wireless Communication Workshop" held on February 7, 1996. The workshop provided a forum for FDA scientists to review issues in extremely low frequency electric and magnetic field biological effects research.

Management Training

A seminar series, the "OST Quality Seminar," was initiated for bringing in expert speakers on cutting-edge management topics. The subjects addressed included the following: 1) Quality Initiatives Across HHS; 2) Team-Building; 3) Self-Directed Workgroups; 4) Quality Initiatives NCI/NIH; 5) Formative Leadership; 5) Transformation at CDER; 7) NPR/GPRA; and 8) Building the People's Capacity for Change. Expert speakers have come from HHS staff, FDA/CDER, NIH/NCI, Johns Hopkins University, and the EPA. The goal of this seminar series is to provide cutting-edge information on methodologies being used across the government to empower employees to improve the work process, thereby improving customer service.

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