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Energy Market and Economic Impacts of S. 2191, the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2007

Preface and Contacts

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is the independent statistical and analytical agency within the Department of Energy.  EIA provides timely, high-quality energy information and prepares objective, transparent analyses for use of Congress, the Administration, and the public.  EIA does not, however, take positions on policy issues.  Because of EIA’s statutory independence with respect to the content of its energy information program, the analysis presented herein is strictly its own and should not be construed as representing the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the Administration.

The model projections in this report are not statements of what will happen but of what might happen, given the assumptions and methodologies used. The Reference case projections are business-as-usual trend forecasts, given known technology, technological and demographic trends, and current laws and regulations.  Thus, they provide a policy-neutral starting point that can be used to analyze policy initiatives.  EIA does not propose, advocate, or speculate on future legislative and regulatory changes.  All laws are assumed to remain as currently enacted; however, the impacts of scheduled regulatory changes, when defined, are reflected.

The Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting prepared this report.  General questions concerning the report can be directed to John J. Conti (john.conti@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2222), Director of the Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting, and J. Alan Beamon (joseph.beamon@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2025), Director of its Coal and Electric Power Division.  Specific questions about the report can be directed to the following analysts:

Greenhouse Gas Analysis Dan Skelly (daniel.skelly@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-1722)
Macroeconomic Analysis Kay Smith (kay.smith@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-1132)
Residential John Cymbalsky (john.cymbalsky@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-4815)
Electricity Robert Smith (robert.smith@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-9413)
  Jeffrey Jones (jeffrey.jones@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2038)
  Robert Eynon (robert.eynon@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2392)
Coal Diane Kearney (diane.kearney@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2415)

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