News List

  • Congressmen Ask Prosecutor of Ramos, Compean to Sway Bush on Clemency
    Jan 15, 2009  - House members who want the release of two ex-Border Patrol agents sentenced to more than a decade in prison for shooting a Mexican drug smuggler tried a new tactic to push for clemency in the final days of the Bush administration. On Wednesday, they called on U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, the fed... More
  • U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton: In His Own Words
    Jan 14, 2009  - --- The following are several public statements made by U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton acknowledging the sentences for the agents are in fact harsh. 1.) “It becomes a debate about punishment…I have a lot of sympathy for those who say, look, punishment is too high, you know, 10 years. I agree. Punish... More
  • ***PRESS RELEASE*** Rohrabacher: Time Is Short, Mr. Sutton. Let's Right The Wrong
    Jan 14, 2009  - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher called upon U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton to officially support commutation for unjustly imprisoned Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. During the press conference, Rep. Rohrabacher highlighted several public statements made by Mr. Sutton acknowledging the... More
  • THE HILL: Frustrated GOPers urge Border Patrol agent pardons
    Jan 14, 2009  - Several House Republicans on Wednesday vented their frustration with President Bush’s inaction to pardon ex-Border Patrol agents convicted of shooting a drug smuggler. “Just to note that the president is determining what his legacy would be,” said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.). “I would say t... More
  • 10 congressmen urge clemency for agents: 'Time is short, Mr. President. Let's right the wrong'
    Jan 14, 2009  - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., today called on U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton to support a commutation in sentence for imprisoned Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. "Mr. Sutton, we are asking you to look into your heart as a prosecutor and advise the president to commute the sen... More
  • Lawmakers implore Bush to free ex-border agents
    Jan 14, 2009  - With just six days left of the Bush presidency, Rep.Dana Rohrabacher and a group of a dozen House members, including Rep. Ed Royce, held a press conference today to again implore the president to pardon or commute the sentences of the two ex-border patrol agents in federal prison for shooting a flee... More
  • ***PRESS RELEASE*** Rohrabacher: Hamas Responsible For Turmoil In Gaza
    Jan 8, 2009  - Today, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) submitted official remarks into the Congressional Record expressing his support for Israel’s response to the latest round of attacks perpetrated by Hamas in Gaza. The following are excerpts from Cong. Rohrabacher’s statement: “Today we are saddened by the... More
  • ***Floor Speech*** Hamas Is To Blame For Most Recent Conflict in Gaza
    Jan 8, 2009  - EXTENSION OF REMARKS Hamas Is To Blame For Most Recent Conflict in Gaza THE HONORABLE DANA ROHRABACHER of California in the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday, January 08, 2009 MR. ROHRABACHER: Madam Speaker, today we are saddened by the loss of innocent lives in Gaza; people bei... More
  • **Blog** Welcome to the 111th Congress!
    Jan 5, 2009  - This week marks the beginning of the 111th Congress. Every two years, voters in the United States exercise their right to elect their congressional representatives. I am proud, honored and humbled that the people of the 46th District have reelected me to represent them in Washington for an 11th term... More
  • Human Events: Mr. President, Free the Border Agents
    Dec 16, 2008  - For over two and a half years, the unjust prosecution and imprisonment of U.S. Border Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean has weighed heavy on the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. As more details about the case emerge, the louder the pleas for justice have become. The American people... More