News Item

Contact: Tara Setmayer (202) 225-2415

***PRESS STATEMENT*** Rep. Rohrabacher Maintains "NO" Vote on Bailout

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Washington, Oct 3, 2008 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) voted against the Senate’s version of the bailout package and released the following statement:

“It’s unconscionable that the Congress was unfairly forced into a ‘take it or leave it’ approach on a bill filled with political pay offs in order to sway enough votes to rush it through at the end of session. Viable alternatives that did not require an enormous expansion of government or the taxpayers to shoulder the $700 billion cost of Wall Street’s irresponsibility were not permitted to be introduced or debated as part of the process. The changes made by the Senate do nothing to address the root causes nor does the bill ensure we will not face another financial crisis a few months from now.

“The bottom line is this bill takes money from people who acted responsibly and gives it to those who acted irresponsibly and that is not only unfair, but will lead to serious long term economic consequences. In the end it is reckless to allow special interests or foreign banks to profiteer off of the taxpayer’s money under the guise of a rescue plan.”


Read Rep. Rohrabacher's extended thoughts on today's vote: Why I voted NO

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