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  • After Intervention By Kucinich, Social Security Office Will Remain In Lakewood
    Jun 27, 2006  - After Nearly Year-Long Effort By Kucinich And Mayor George Social Security Administration Has Announced It Will Not Move Lakewood Social Security Office In a letter received yesterday, Social Security Administrator Jo Anne Barnhart informed Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) that the Social Sec... More
  • Kucinich: Bush Proposes Stealth Social Security Privatization Plan In Budget
    Feb 8, 2006  - Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) issued the following statement today on President Bush’s stealth plan to privatize social security: “Despite a bipartisan rejection to the President’s plan to privatize Social Security and shift the nation’s retirement system from Main Street to Wall Street las... More
  • Kucinich Applauds Commissioners Resolution On Social Security
    Jun 9, 2005  - Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) issued the following statement on the Cuyahoga County Commissioners resolution opposing Social Security privatization: “I applaud the Cuyahoga County Commissioners for their vision and leadership on this urgent issue. “Social Security is the most successf... More
  • Kucinich: President Must Be Held Accountable At Prime Time News Conference
    Apr 28, 2005  - Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) issued the following statement on the President’s prime time press conference scheduled for this evening: “Tonight, the President will make a rare prime time appearance before the press and the nation. With our troops caught in a quagmire in Iraq, with no exi... More
  • Kucinich: Ways and Means Majority Trying To Hide Social Security Debate Under The Cover Of Darkness
    Apr 25, 2005  - In a move to thwart debate and limit press interest, the Majority on the Ways and Committee has called a rare Monday late-night session to mark-up the Kucinich Resolution of Inquiry on Social Security. The mark-up, which Members were not notified of until Friday afternoon, has been scheduled for ton... More
  • Kucinich: Mr. President, Cleveland Deserves The Truth On Social Security
    Apr 15, 2005  - Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) issued the following statement on President Bush’s visit to the Cleveland-area today: “The people of Cleveland, the state of Ohio, and the entire nation deserve the truth on Social Security. “Despite the reckless rhetoric of this Administration, the facts... More
  • Kucinich: President’s Speech In WV Continues Campaign To Mislead Nation About Social Security
    Apr 6, 2005  - Yesterday, in a speech in Parkersburg, West Virginia, the President once again repeated the false and misleading assertion that there is no Social Security Trust Fund. The President stated, “There is no ‘trust fund,’ just IOUs”. Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), issued the following statem... More
  • As Congress Returns, Kucinich Forces Ways and Means Action on Social Security
    Apr 4, 2005  - Just before Congress adjourned for recess, on March 17th, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) introduced a Resolution of Inquiry requiring that the House Ways and Means Committee review comments made by President Bush in his effort to sell his Social Security privatization plan. Under the rules of... More
  • Social Security’s “Sleeper Issue”: Price Indexing Exposed By Kucinich
    Feb 10, 2005  - Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) today brought forth a new case against the Administration’s so-called Social Security reform plan by exposing the precipitous drop in future retiree benefits implicit in the Administration plan to switch from wage indexing to price indexing. In a speech this ... More
  • Kucinich On House Floor: “The State Of Our Union Is… Asleep”
    Feb 2, 2005  - Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) delivered the following speech today on the House floor in advance of the President’s State of the Union address: “Mr. Speaker. The State of the Union is…. Asleep. This Administration cannot account for nine billion dollars it controlled in Iraq for a nine ... More


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