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  In the coming decades, New York, or broadly the United States, will need new energy supplies to meet growing demands for electric power and transportation fuels. Expanded use of hydrogen as an energy carrier could help address concerns about energy security, global climate change, and air quality. Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of domestically available primary resources such as fossil fuels (natural gas, coal, etc), renewables (wind, photovoltaics, bio-fuels, etc), and nuclear power. Developing hydrogen as a major energy carrier, however, will require solutions to many challenges in the areas of infrastructure, technology, and economics. The primary challenge to using more hydrogen in our energy systems is the cost of producing, storing, and transporting it. In June 2003, NYSERDA held a Hydrogen Scoping Session/Discussion to understand the scope and role of hydrogen as a viable energy source in meeting New York State’s future energy needs. The attendees identified several areas in which the State and NYSERDA could play a significant role. Top amongst these was supporting research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) projects. In collaboration with NYPA and LIPA, to date NYSERDA issued two solicitations and selected projects targeted at developing a New York State Hydrogen Roadmap, conducting outreach and education activities, revamping applicable codes, and supporting RD&D projects.

A final roadmap is now on-hand (1.39MB .pdf). In collaboration with DOE and the states of Florida and California, NYSERDA established a Hydrogen Technology Learning Center at RIT. As part of hydrogen education and outreach efforts, two contractors were selected to develop hydrogen curriculum for middle school and high school students. Commenced a review of all existing New York State and New York City codes and standards. And currently supporting a select number of RD&D projects including demonstration of two hydrogen vehicle and fueling infrastructure. Vehicles will demonstrate both hydrogen fuel cell and hydrogen internal combustion engine technologies.

A recently completed project, Assessing the Total Fuel Cycle Impacts of Hydrogen: NY-GREET (369 kb .pdf), funded under our Hydrogen Program, developed a model for evaluating alternative transportation fuel options and their associated emissions, including hydrogen. The final report for this project presents the New York Greenhouse Gas, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (NY-GREET) model. NY-GREET can be used to assess the total fuel-cycle (i.e., well-to-wheels) emissions and energy use characteristics for alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) operating in New York State. Alternative fuel types evaluated in NY-GREET include hydrogen, ethanol, biodiesel, natural gas, and electricity, among others.

This year NYSERDA plans to support six or more hydrogen research, development, and demonstration projects that address major technical challenges facing a transition to a hydrogen economy and bring various hydrogen stakeholders. In addition, NYSERDA continues to discuss options with the NYS Thruway Authority and the Department of Transportation to identify hydrogen refueling stations on the Thruway that will allow both travelers on the Thruway as well as local vehicle users to access the refueling stations.

Contact: Bill Reinhardt: (518) 862-1090 ext. 3257 or John Love ext. 3317



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