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Welcome to the IEA Geothermal Energy Homepage

Supporting and Advancing Worldwide Geothermal Energy Use Through International Cooperation

The International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement for a Cooperative Programme on Geothermal Energy Research and Technology, or Geothermal Implementing Agreement (GIA), provides an important framework for wide-ranging international cooperation in geothermal R&D. Its activities presently cover four different research areas: Environmental Impacts of Geothermal Development, Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Advanced Geothermal Drilling Technology and Direct Use of Geothermal Energy.

The GIA has begun its third 5-year term of operation, which ends on 31 March 2012.  The mission for this term is to promote the sustainable utilization of geothermal energy throughout the world by: improving existing technologies, developing new technologies to render exploitable the vast and widespread global geothermal resources, facilitating the transfer of know-how, providing high quality information and widely communicating geothermal energy's strategic, economic and environmental benefits.

As of November 2008, there are 19 Members: 12 Countries- Australia, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the United States; the European Commission, and 6 Sponsors: Canadian Geothermal Energy Association, Geodynamics Limited, Geothermal Group of Spanish Renewable Energy Association, Green Rock Energy Limited, ORMAT Technologies Inc. and ORME Jeotermal.


2007 GIA Annual Report

To access report, click: 2007 GIA Annual Report

Then scroll down to IEA-GIA Annual Reports


IEA-GIA Geothermal Sustainability Modelling

Workshop-  Presentations Available

Presentations from the International Geothermal Sustainability Modelling

Workshop held under the auspices of the IEA-GIA in Taupo, New Zealand,

on 10 November 2008 are available in the Sustainability Section.

To access, use the PUBLICATIONS button at the left , or

To go directly to them, click: Sustainability Presentations


GIA's Newest Members- GG of APPA & CanGEA!

The Geothermal Group of the Spanish Renewable Energy Association (GG-APPA) has became the GIA's newest Sponsor Member.  GG-APPA's Executive Committee Member is Ms Margarita de Gregorio, with Raúl Hidalgo as Alternate Member.

Only a few days earlier,

The Canadian Geothermal Energy Association (CanGEA) joined the GIA as a new Sponsor Member.  CanGEA's Executive Committee Member is Ms Alison Thompson,

with Mr Craig Dunn as Alternate Member. 


Comments Requested-

High Temperature Geothermal Tools

Your comments and suggestions on desired equipment, tools and techniques for high temperature geothermal applications are sought.  To access a description, use the PUBLICATIONS button at the left, or

To go directly to it, click: HT Tools (pdf, 17 kB)


Heating and Cooling of Buildings

with Geothermal Energy

IEA Demand Side Technologies Workshop, October 2007

GIA Presentation, click: GeoHeatCool


Geothermal Information/Data


Public Service Announcements

Geothermal Information/Data and Public Service Announcement sections are available by clicking the GEOTHERMAL INFORMATION button at the left.


GIA Strategic Plan 2007-2012

The GIA Strategic Plan 2007-2012 is available in the PUBLICATIONS section.  To access, use the PUBLICATIONS button at the left, or

To go directly to it, click: GIA Strategic Plan 2007-2012 (doc, 306 kB)


Last Updated 31 December 2008

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The IEA Geothermal Implementing Agreement (GIA), also known as the Implementing Agreement for a Cooperative Programme on Geothermal Energy Research and Technology, functions within a framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA).  Views, findings and publications of IEA GIA do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of all its individual member countries.

© 2004 GIA, Material not to be reproduced without permission
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