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As one of the leading international consultants in the field of wind energy, DEWI offers all kinds of wind energy related measurement services, energy analysis and studies, further education, technological, economical and political consultancy for industry, wind farm developers, banks, governments and public administrations. DEWI is accredited to EN ISO/IEC 17025 and MEASNET and is recognised as an independent institution in various measurement and expertise fields. More than 1,000 customers in about 40 countries are on DEWI’s reference list.

While in the early years DEWI‘s activities concentrated on research, the services sector soon began to increase in importance and today accounts for more than 90% of the company turnover. Our customers benefit from this combination of research and services, because it ensures that our services are always based on the latest findings.

DEWI‘s expansion into the international market has led to a rapid growth of the company since 1998. Visible signs of this development are our offices in Spain, France and Brasil. With the foundation of DEWI-OCC Offshore and Certification Centre GmbH in Cuxhaven in 2003 the DEWI-Group entered the important field of wind turbine certifications but also is well prepared for the future challenges of the offshore wind energy application.

DEWI Services

. Site Assessment

. Wind Turbine Assessment

. Grid Integration

. Due Diligence

. Knowledge

. Consultancy




July 2008 Exportschlager Windenergie Made in Germany



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DEWI Best·Business



9th International Technical Wind Energy Conference

26. - 27. November 2008
Bremen, Germany

DEWI at fairs/conferences